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Upgrading macOS with Managed Software Center

The guide shows an alternative way to install a new version of macOS through Managed Software Center.

Every year a new version of macOS is released, and at the same time support for an older version of macOS is phased out. That is to say that the older version of macOS no longer receives new functionality or security updates, but also that third-party software houses such as Microsoft stop providing updates to their software that support the deprecated version of macOS.

In this connection, the IT organization sends out e-mails to users who have a managed Mac with an OS version that is about to be phased out, and alerts them through notifications with Intelligent Hub on the Mac.

Note! It is recommended that you use App Store to upgrade macOS to the latest version. The App Store has functionality that checks whether your machine supports the latest version of macOS. Managed Software Center will download the new version of macOS (a large download) and possibly give an error message when you start installing the unsupported version of macOS.

How to upgrade macOS from Managed Software Center

Start Managed Software Center from Applications.

Screenshot of the Applications folder with Managed Software Center

In the Managed Software Center, select Categories from the menu on the left, and then the System category.

Skjermbilde av Managed Software Center - Categories - System

The Managed Software Center will mark macOS versions equal to or older than what you already have on your machine as INSTALLED, and you select the version of macOS you want to upgrade to.

Skjermbilde av Managed Software Center og tilgjengelige OS-oppgraderinger

Several versions of macOS may be available, but it is recommended for most people to install the latest version. Therefore, click on the versions to find out which is the latest.

macOS upgrade as Other available updates

When the Managed Software Center asks you to update software that you have installed on your machine, it has an add-on called Other available updates. Here you will find available OS upgrades.

Skjermbilde av Managed Software Center og Andre tilgjengelige oppdateringer

Click the UPDATE button on the version of macOS you want to install.

Published Nov. 1, 2022 2:28 PM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2022 2:29 PM