Frequently Asked Questions regarding virtual machines. If your question is not answered here, you can read the guides on the main page or contact support.

What is the preferred way to access VDI?

We highly recommend using the Horizon client application. You can get it through Software Center or download it here.

Why have I been logged out from my machine?

Users are automatically logged off their machines (Instant Clone only) each Friday morning at 01:00. During this time, we push out new images with the latest security patches, application updates, and other improvements.

What do I do when the machine is unresponsive on login?

Select "Options", then "Disconnect and log off". The machine will be deleted, and you will receive a new one on your next login.

Alternatively, you can select the machine in the client, then go to the menu bar and choose "Connection", followed by "Restart Desktop" or "Reset".

What is the difference between disconnecting and logging off?

Disconnecting from the machine keeps it running and can be done by closing the Horizon window. When you log in to the pool, you will be reconnected to the same machine.

Logging out, shutting down, or resetting means that the machine will be deleted, and a new one will be assigned to you on the next login.

How do I log back in when the virtual machine disconnects?

Click the button labeled "Send Ctrl+Alt+Delete" to log back in.

How do I stop the virtual machine from going fullscreen on all monitors?

Right-click the machine name in the Omnissa Horizon Client and select "Display", then "Window - Large". This allows you to use the machine in windowed mode.

Can I become root or admin on my machine?

No, we do not allow users to become root or admin. Exceptions can be made for some persistent machines with Linux.

Can VDI be used instead of High Performance Computing (HPC)?

VDI is primarily used when you need a desktop with applications on either Windows or Linux. If you need a high performance machine to run calculations you can read more about HPC here.

What is Instant Clone?

Instant Clones are machines that get deleted every Friday between 01:00 and 02:00. This means that you will get a new machine every Friday morning. Your user profile and settings will be stored even though the machine is deleted.

Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond are examples of Instant Clone machines.

What is a persistent machine?

Persistent virtual machines are like office machines. Unlike Instant Clones, these machines don't get deleted, though they use more resources. They are used by some research groups that need to run jobs over multiple days. We only provide persistent machines when absolutely necessary.

Published Apr. 1, 2019 3:17 PM - Last modified Feb. 10, 2025 3:22 PM