Unsubscribe from a mailing list

If you want to unsubscribe from an mailing list, you can do so directly in the e-mail list system or by sending an "unsubscribe" message from the e-mail program you use.

Unsubscribe directly in Sympa

If you want to unsubscribe from a mailing list, you can do so through Sympa, UiO's e-mail list system.

  1. Open your browser, and go to sympa.uio.no. Click on your unit in the list that appears, and log in with your UiO username and password at the top left of the page you arrive at.

    Screenshot of Sympa with the login fields in the top left corner
  2. When you have logged in, you will see an overview of the all the mailing lists you have subscribed to in the left column. Click on the mailing list you no longer wish to be subscribed to, and select Unsubscribe in the menu in the left column.

    Screenshot of Sympa and the unsubscribe option in the column on the left

Note! Some mailing lists get members from another list. If you are a member of a list that has been added into a list, you cannot unsubscribe from one without also unsubscribing from the other. Contact local IT if you need help with lists within lists.  

Unsubscribe via e-mail

It is also possible to unsubscribe from a mailing list without logging in to Sympa. You do this by sending a blank e-mail to sympa@list-domain-name with the subject field set to unsubscribe list name, where you replace "list name" with the name of the list you do not wish to be subscribed to.

Example: If you are a member of a mailing list called superheroes@usit.uio.no and wish to unsubscribe, you can send an e-mail to sympa@usit.uio.no with the subject field "unsubscribe superheroes".

Ask the list administrator to unsubscribe you

If you cannot unsubscribe from a list, it is possible to contact the person(s) who administer the list. The e-mail address of the administrator(s) is given on the website of the list, and is always in the form listname-request@unit.uio.no.

Example: You wish to contact the administrators of the list superheroes@usit.uio.no. Then you can send an e-mail to superheroes-request@usit.uio.no.

Published Aug. 8, 2024 9:32 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2024 9:32 AM