E-mail quotas at UiO

Anyone with an e-mail account at UiO has been assigned an area on a shared server where their emails are stored. There is limited storage space on the server, therefore, all users have a limited quota of storage space.

What happens when your quota is full?

E-mail that you receive during the first four days after quota was full, will be queued in the e-mail system. After this, new e-mails are rejected immediately and the sender is notified that the e-mail could not be delivered because your quota is full. If you clean up your account and release storage space, or if your quota is expanded, then the queued -mails will be automatically delivered (this may take up to six hours). If it is very urgent, the postmaster can expedite the delivery.

Quotas and expansions


Student users are automatically assigned an e-mail quota of 2 GiB.

Students are basically not allowed to increase their quota in the e-mail system. If special academic concerns require an extended quota, this will only be granted after approval by the Director of Information Technology. Senior Lecturer for the student must submit a short written application for extension of the quota and send it to the Director of IT at UiO (use the e-mail address  postmottak@usit.uio.no).

Faculty and staff

Faculty and staff users are automatically assigned an e-mail quota of 25 GiB.

Employees who have a job-related need for an extended e-mail quota may send a request to postmaster@usit.uio.no.  Remember to explain why you need an expansion of your quota.

Other users

Users who are not employees or students, for example guest users and external associates, will have an e-mail quota of 200 MiB unless otherwise specified in a separate operating agreement.

  • Users covered by an operating agreement must ask for increased quota through their local contact person responsible for the operating agreement. If you are unsure whether you are covered by an operating agreement or not, please contact your local IT staff or postmaster@usit.uio.no.
  • Other users (not covered by an separate operating agreement) may send a request to postmaster@usit.uio.no and ask for increased quota. Remember to explain why you need the expansion.

Technical information

All students and staff at the University have an individual entry in Cerebrum, which may include one or more user accounts. A person who is both a student and employee can for example have one user account with a student association and one user account with an employee association. Since these two user accounts should have different e-mail quotas, then the e-mail quota is set from the association of the user accounts, not from the association of the person entry.

  • Students will automatically have their student association updated both for the person entry and the user account.
  • Faculty and staff must have their employee association added to their user account by the local administration / IT .
Published Mar. 12, 2014 11:36 AM - Last modified Mar. 12, 2014 3:06 PM