Customized display of mail in Outlook for Mac

The guide shows how to use filters on a mail folder to get the wanted view.

Outlook comes with two different types of filters:

  1. Focused and Other
  2. Filters: Unread, Flag, To Me, Has Attachments, Mentions Me and Categories.

These are different ways for you to get an overview of the emails you have received.

Focused and Other

The functionality makes the most important emails you've received appear under the Focused tab, while the rest are easily accessible, but slightly more out of the way, under the Other tab.

Screenshot of Fouced functionality in Outlook

If you are not satisfied with the Focused functionality, it can be disabled under Settings... .

Filters for customized view

Outlook kommer ogs? med filtre for visning av e-post i en mappe. 

Screenshot of filter functionality in Outlook for Mac

You can easily change the view to only show Unread mail, mail that is Flagged, directly addressed To Me, that Has Attachments or that Mentions Me. In addition, you can filter by Categories if you have used that functionality.


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Published Oct. 10, 2024 9:30 AM - Last modified Jan. 13, 2025 4:44 PM