NOTE: UiO-managed PCs have have automatic email setup.
- a) If you do not already have Outlook on your computer, you need to install it.
- UiO-managed PCs / My UiO-PC: Install Outlook from the Company Portal.
- Students / private PC: Download and install Office from Outlook will be installed with the Office package.
- b). When you start Outlook on Windows for the first time, a dialog box may appear asking you to activate Office. You do this by entering your username in the field for Email, phone, or Skype (in the format and clicking Next. In the next dialog, enter your UiO password and confirm the login with two-factor authentication.
In the next step, enter your UiO email address.
Then enter your UiO username (in the format and click Connect. Your email account will now be automatically set up.
When the dialog shows Account successfully added, the setup is complete.
Remove the checkmark from Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, too. If you need Outlook on your mobile phone, install it separately.
Click Done to complete the setup process
You can now use Outlook to send and receive emails. You should keep your email organized and sort it into folders. Delete emails you do not need as they come in, and delete folders with emails as the tasks they are related to are completed. Remember to archive what needs to be archived. You can also set up automatic deletion of emails in specific folders based on their age. → See UiO's best tips: Help, I need to clean up my email.
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