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Access using Cyberduck (Mac)

Cyberduck is a software for MacOS and Windows which allows communication with external storage via an user interface, and is therefore a more user-friendly alternative to the code-base approach we usually operate with in regards to object storage.

Cyberduck can we downloaded from the App Store or Windows Store for a supporting fee, or be downloaded for free from their official website:

When starting the program, you'll need to set up configuration of a new disk by clicking the + down at the left:

Bildet kan inneholde: font, rektangel, skjermdump, programvare, multimedia.

This brings up a rather comprehensive menu, but there's only a few fields which are necessary. Start by switching to "Amazon S3" in the dropdown at the top, and provide:

Nickname: For the disk/shortcut. Up to you!
Access Key & Secret Key: As created, or received from us
Path: Bucket name. Start and finish with "/".


Bildet kan inneholde: fargerike, rektangel, font, skjermdump, programvare.

Finish by closing the window at the top left. Changes will be stored.
The panel will now have another shortcut ready:

Bildet kan inneholde: font, skjermdump, programvare, teknologi, rektangel.

Double-click it to attempt to connect to your bucket with the provided access keys.
If successful, you'll see a window displaying its objects:

Bildet kan inneholde: font, teknologi, skjermdump, programvare, m?rke.

From here you can double-click the objects to download them locally, or drag files over to upload. Note that you cannot work directly on the remote files; this is by design.

Tags: s3, object storage, cyberduck By Markus S?rensen
Published Sep. 30, 2024 12:08 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2024 12:08 PM