Norwegian version of this page

Ordering object storage

Price structure

All prices are provided in NOK, excluding VAT. We invoice all services on a yearly basis, usually during October. The invoice counts the current year, and prices may be subject to KPI adjustments from year to year.

Sector Price per TB per year
UiO-intern, below 10 TB NOK 525,-
UiO-intern, 10 TB or more NOK 420,-
UH-sector NOK 995,-*
External customers NOK 1150,-*

* VAT in addition for external invoices.



In advance you'll have to decide the grade of sensitivity your stored data will have, as this decides whether or not you're eligible to administer the storage and its access policies on your own. We have two separate forms for either self-service or only API access for either case.

For evaluating data sensitivity, refer to UiO's data storage guide.



In order to gain access to manage the storage yourself, there's two criteria to be fulfiled:

  • Your data are classified as green and/ord yellow
  • You are affiliated with UiO, and have access to FEIDE

Additionally you'll have to order an unpersonal system user which will be used to log in to the administration interface. You will need to provide a fitting owner -and e-mail group affiliated with the system user.

We're in the process of providing the possibility to order system users as a part of requesting object storage, but in the meanwhile you'll have to employ this separate form: (norwegian only)

For quicker processing, provide the following:

Brukernavn: cl- <responsible institute, section, or group>

Hjemmeomr?de: Write "/"

Passordregime: Choose "Ja, systembrukeren trenger et passord".

Skal brukeren v?re POSIX-promotert: Ja

Mer om passord: The user will be used for Cloudian / S3.

Spreads og mer informasjon: The user needs NIS_user@uio-spread

When the user is ready (might take some days), you can provide it when requesting object storage with our form below:


API access only

If you're going to store red/sensitive data, or don't have the need to administer the storage yourself, you can instead apply for API access only. In this case you will be provided a set of keys with permissions tailored for your specific needs, ready for use.

In this form you will be asked to provide which machines/IPs are allowed to communicate with your bucket(s).

Tags: storage, S3 By Markus S?rensen
Published Apr. 12, 2024 2:49 PM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2024 11:23 AM