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Let's get started! Clean up your emails before the move to MS365.

In February, the IT department announced that UiO's email would be moved to a new and better solution, and now we are starting. The first step for everyone at UiO is to finish the cleanup effort to minimize the amount of e-mail which must be moved, and remove sensitive data. The migration to the new solution starts at the beginning of October.

Migration of UiO’s email and calendar data to Microsoft 365 (Exchange Online) was decided by the university director on February 7, 2024. → See the decision document (Norwegian only)   

Necessary and better

Bilde av Gard Thommasen
IT Director Gard Thomassen

"We are looking forward to UiO moving to the new solution", says IT Director Gard Thomassen. "First, I want to confirm that after the migration, you can continue to use the same email program as today, and the emails will be stored in MS365, in data centers in Norway. It is the backend solutions that differ from what we use today. In the new solution, we will have two-factor authentication, meaning secure login, on all email, which is very important for IT security at UiO. The new email solution will, therefore, be much more secure than the current one. Additionally, the new solution is a prerequisite for implementing the case management and archiving system Elements, which will be introduced at UiO from January 2025, and a number of other tools and programs that are on the way," asserts Thomassen.  

Clear away emails with red data

The new solution is "in the cloud," meaning the emails will not be stored on UiO’s own servers. This means we need to avoid migrating emails with so-called "red data" there. Red data are data that require protection, for example, data containing special categories of personal data or other sensitive information that needs extra protection. The IT department has developed 9 good tips to help you determine if you have red data in your email, how to start cleaning up, and how to move out data that you need to keep for later. → See cleanup tips.

"We are aware that the clean-up task will be monumental for some, but do your best, and remember that the new system is conceptually more secure than the old one due to the two-factor authentication we are putting in place."

Clear away other e-mails as well

he IT Director encourages everyone at UiO to clean up even if they do not have "red data" in their inbox. "At UiO, we store a lot of emails that are no longer useful. Such storage is unnecessary, it costs a lot of money and increases the carbon footprint. Some emails can be deleted, and some should be stored elsewhere than in our email inbox," explains Thomassen. "Everyone benefits from us cleaning up and keeping things tidy. Information ends up in the right place, and the amount of data stored is reduced. We, therefore, encourage everyone to join the clean-up effort," he concludes.  

Do you need help with the clean-up or are unsure? → See the clean-up guide, or contact IT Help, the UiO central IT support desk.

What happens next?

Many at UiO have already done teir part in the cleanup effort, but now everyone, must join in. The IT Department has piloted the move to email in MS365, and it has gone well. Starting right after October 1, the work to migrate the UiO faculty and staff will start, and the students will be migrated at the beginning of 2025. A plan will be published with the order and timeframe for the migration. Everyone will also receive an email notifying them of their migration schedule and what steps to take afterward. Most people will notice little during the transition, some might need to restart their email program or make a few clicks to get started. It is possible that exceptions to the move can be made in a handful og cases, but the alternatives will be very few.

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Published Sep. 6, 2024 2:59 PM - Last modified Sep. 9, 2024 10:27 AM