Mattermost: Live chat or channel?

What should you choose, direct chat or (private) channel?

Direct chat and channel in Mattermost are almost identical, but with one big difference. Once you have created a direct chat, you cannot add more people. When you add several people to a direct chat, a new chat is created and the history is not included.

You should therefore, as a general rule, create a private channel with those you chat with, so that you can add or remove one or more people, should you need to. People you add to a channel will have access to all chat history and the channel's board(s) and playbook(s).

Screenshot of a context menu with the option Convert to Private ChannelYou can convert a live chat to a private channel should the need to add more participants arise. New participants then get access to all history. To convert to a channel, click on the person you have a direct chat with, and select Convert to Private Channel from the menu.


Published Apr. 4, 2024 12:42 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2024 12:42 PM