Ordering your initial scan

In order to gather your metadata, you need to first order the service, so that an initial scan can be performed. After the initial scan, your data will be automatically scanned regularly.

Before your data can be scanned, you need to order the initial scan where you specify which Educloud project and which folder you wish to have scanned. It is possible to let the Metadata manager scan your entire Educloud project area. However, if you wish to only scan parts of your project content (e.g. only raw data, and not working files), you need to specify the folder as well. 

To set up an initial scan you need to fill out this order form.

If you are unsure about which folder to scan, you can change this later. It is also possible to set up multiple scanning folders within the same project. 

Published June 15, 2022 11:05 AM - Last modified Oct. 7, 2022 9:52 AM