Job States

Commands like squeue, sacct and scontrol show job will show a state of each job. All job states are explained in the JOB STATE CODES section of the squeue documentation page.

Here is a table with the most common ones

Name Long name Description
PD Pending Job is waiting to be started
CF Configuring The queue system is starting up the job
R Running Job is running
CG Completing Job is finishing
CD Completed Job has finished
CA Cancelled Job has been cancelled, either before or after it started
F Failed Job has exited with a non-zero exit status
TO Timeout Job didn't finish in time, and was cancelled
PR Preemepted Job was requeued because a higher priority job needed the resources
NF Node_fail Job was requeued because of a problem with one of its comput nodes
OOM Out_of_memory Job was cancelled because it tried to use too much memory

The commands can also give a reason why a job is in the state it is. This is most useful for pending jobs. All these reasons are explained in the JOB REASON CODES section of the squeue documentation page.

Here is a table with the most common ones

Name Description
Resources The job is waiting for resources to become idle
Priority There are jobs with higher priority than this job. The job might be started, if it does not delay any of those jobs
ReqNodeNotAvail One or more of the job's required nodes is currently not available, typically because it is down or reserved
Dependency The job is waiting for jobs it depend on to start or finish.
JobHeldUser The job has been put on hold by the user
JobHeldAdmin The job has been put on hold by an admin. Please contact support if you don't know why it is being held.

CC Attribution: This page is maintained by the University of Oslo IT FFU-BT group. It has either been modified from, or is a derivative of, "Job States" by NRIS under CC-BY-4.0.