Who is Educloud Research for?


Educloud Research is a UiO provided service for any research project that:

  1. Needs collaborations with users across institutions and borders
  2. Needs access to Windows (Server 2019) and/or Linux virtual desktops  (RHEL v8)
  3. Needs access to the Fox HPC system that has SLURM controlled nodes (CPU and GPU) and interactive (first come, first serve) nodes.
  4. Needs access to high quality, high performance storage
    1. Storage is “project oriented”, meaning that all project members see all project storage from their project work-surface (windows/linux/HPC)
    2. All regular file storage is presented using SMB3, NFSv4 and GPFS to windows, linux and HPC respectively (using Kerberos go ensure confidentiality between projects)
    3. Object storage is provided by the UiO Cloudian system
    4. Linux software will be available and similar using the “module load” system on Linux VMs and the HPC system Fox.

In this early phase of Educloud Research we wish to narrow the users down to those either needing requirement 1 or 4 above, to be able to handle user-requests and software request sufficiently well.

All institutions are welcome to use Educloud Research.

Published June 4, 2021 1:58 PM - Last modified June 4, 2021 1:58 PM