Citation of TSD

You can mention TSD in your application for data protection approval or for grants, to prove that the data are handled in the course of the project life according to the privacy regulation. This will surely make your application stronger.

Please remember also to acknowledge TSD in your publications.

How to describe TSD in a project proposal

If you want to mention the TSD in your project proposals to support your application, you can use the following text:

The TSD (in norwegian, Service for Sensitive Data) service is designed for storing and post-processing sensitive-data in compliance with the norwegian “Personal Data Act” and “Health Reaserch Act”. TSD is developed and maintaned by USIT at the University of Oslo and supports research activities run at norwegian public institutions.

TSD provides virtual servers, backup-systems, storage-systems, high performance computing facility and databases all confined within in a highly secured enviroment. Storage in TSD makes use of a dedicated portion of the storage facility “Astrastore” provided by NorSTore, the norwegian data infrastructure provider. In addition, TSD offers a large set of software tools for data management and analysis. Furthermore, a PGP encrypted version of the UiO web-questionnaire (Nettskjema), interfaced with the governmental ID-portal for login, allows secure data harvesting, time-point studies and strong identification of the respondents.

How to cite TSD in publications

 If you have used the TSD services, TSD must be acknowledged in your publication. An example:

This work was performed on the TSD (Tjeneste for Sensitive Data) facilities, 
owned by the University of Oslo, operated and developed by the TSD service group 
at the University of Oslo, IT-Department (USIT). ( 

If you publish a paper where we, or rather one or more of us, are co-authors, please contact us for the correct author information.



Published July 5, 2016 3:00 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2021 9:36 AM