Frequently asked questions regarding TSD. If your question is not answered here, you may look in the TSD User Guide, or even contact tsd-drift@usit.uio.no
Project planning
What type of data can be stored in a TSD-project
- Sensitive research data
- Strictly in confidence, as classified by UiO
- Collecting and handling such data that requires approval from a Data Protection Authority like REK, NSD, or Datatilsynet.
How do I get started using TSD
To register a new project in TSD, you must include a data protection assessment from either the Regional Committee for Medical and Health Research Ethics (REK), SIKT, the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet), or a local data protection officer at your institution.
You can start the application process by clicking on this link.
Can I have more than one study in my single TSD-project to conduct multiple studies
As a general rule, only sensitive data and data covered by a single data protection approval can be stored in a TSD-project. Therefore, two sets of data covered by two different approvals cannot be stored inside a single TSD-project.
However, technically, it is possible to create a joint-project in TSD, but it requires that you obtain ethical approval. So, please consult your local privacy ombudsman (PVO) about the ethics of storing data from multiple studies in a single project. Once the approval is in place, you can apply for a joint TSD-project. To organize a joint TSD-project, you will need to create a folder structure in the project, as described here.
Do TSD have subcontracted data processors (Underleverand?rer)
An updated list of subcontractors can be found at the following link at all times here.
Can I use my existing TSD-project to conduct a new study
If the data you plan to collect with Nettskjema is already "covered" by the existing approval for your existing TSD-project, then, you do not need to create a new project.
If the information to be collected is for another study and has its own legal basis / approval, a separate TSD-project must be created for secure storage.
The procedure for creating web forms and enabling them for secure storage in TSD is described here : Create a Nettskjema for use with TSD.
Application processing
What is the price structure for a TSD-project
The TSD services have an annual price, and the price depends on the sector of the institution responsible for research (forskningsansvarlig institusjon), as well as data volume and complexity. TSD-projects are invoiced once a year (due October 1st.).
For most projects, our basic package is enough to start with, which includes:
- 1 TiB of storage and backup
- 1 Windows virtual machine
- 1 Linux RHEL-based virtual machine
- Standard Software
- Access to Nettskjema
Current prices in addition to the basic package are as stated here
For UiO, the basic package in TSD is free of charge.
If there is a collaboration agreement between UiO and the institution responsible for research, then UiO prices will apply to the project. In such a case, please attach the collaboration agreement while applying for a project in TSD.
Do I need min-ID (ID-porten) to register a TSD-project
Yes, currently registering a project in TSD is only available through minID-login.
Which browsers do you recommend to fill the application form
For the project registration, we recommend using an updated browser, e.g. Google Chrome or Firefox. We do not recommend older versions of Internet Explorer.
What kind of information do you ask for in the application form
In the application form, which you will fill as the Project Administrator/Principal Investigator (PI), we ask about the following information:
- Your FEIDE username if you have
- Your e-mail address
- Your telephone number
- Name of the institution that has given ethical approval for the project. (NSD, REK, Datatilsynet, or local privacy representative)
- The reference number on the decision from NSD, REK, Datatilsynet, or local privacy representative
- Name of the project
- The end date of the project
- The name of the institution responsible for research for the project (forskningsansvarlig institusjon)
- Payment information
What is the link for the application form
You can start the application process by following these step by step instructions where you also will find the link to the application form.
How long does it take to create a project in TSD
Once we receive a complete digitally signed application, it takes about 10 working days to process the application.
What do you log inside a TSD-project
We log:
- copies of files in and out of a TSD-project
- attempts for unauthorized access.
- CERT at UiO continuously scans for malware
How often do you perform security updates in a TSD-project
- all operating system upgrades are installed and updated centrally.
- the Windows platform is patched every other week.
What security measures are implemented
- the information is encrypted during transit
- changelog
- multi-factor authentication
- access restriction
- access log
Does TSD have subcontracted data processors
An updated list of subcontractors can be found at the following link at all times link.
Administrative tasks
How do I give Import grants to external partner in a TSD project
The Project Administrator of a TSD-project can give Import Grants to external partners who do not have a TSD user account in the relevant project. Use the selfservice portal to assign import grants
By clicking on the info symbol in the headline, you will receive guidance along the way.
After creating an instance, you can use the copy symbol on the right to copy the URL for that instance.
How are licenses for Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office counted when a user is involved in multiple projects
Our license counting is person-centric, meaning each user is counted only once for licensing purposes, regardless of their involvement in multiple projects.
How can I apply for HPC resources on Colossus
Colossus is the TSD HPC cluster and is offered by UiO in collaboration with Sigma2 AS. Colossus access is a service on demand and any applicant will get access to the small UiO allocation by default. We strongly recommend you to use the much larger Sigma2 owned resources on Colossus, send an application to Sigma2. More information is found in the HPC Section of the TSD User Guide.
I need large storage volume. How can I get it
If you need to store data above 1 TiB you have several possibilities:
- Apply for more storage at TSD
- Apply for storage at Sigma2. More information about Sigma2 resources in TSD
- Apply for StoreBioInfo resources
Depending on the institution your project is affiliated with, you might have better support on one of these offers.
How do I add a user to my TSD project
1. The user goes to https://selfservice.tsd.usit.no/membership-application
2. Writes the project number in TSD, which you may provide to the user beforehand.
3. Informs you that an application has been made to become a member of your project.
4. Finally, you approve the application from this page
How do I add an associate member to my TSD project
Associate members have restricted permissions to access research products (data generated by project), and little else. They cannot log in to do computing inside a TSD-project. Read more about adding associate members here.
How do I troubleshoot when I am unable to log in to my TSD project
- Delete all TSD entries in Google Authenticator on your mobile. Feel free to take a look at this external link for the steps to remove all entries from Google Authenticator
- Go to https://selfservice.tsd.usit.no/
- Click on OTP and log in with ID-porten
- Scan the QR code in Google Authenticator on your mobile. Remember to fill out the field under the QR-code, to complete the process
- Go to https://selfservice.tsd.usit.no/
- Click on Password and log in with ID-porten
- Wait 25 minutes
- Go to https://view.tsd.usit.no/portal/webclient/index.html and log in with the new password.
How to collaborate with TSD
We are generally positive to collaborations. However, we can not make significant changes in our architecture as this might jeopardize the principal goal of secure data processing. Hence, if the architecture were to be changed (for instance to achieve more convenience) that might impact security. Further, development that requires tweaking our system to accommodate your needs, will require external funding. We are funded by the state of Norway to facilitate scientific research. This is why our resources, in terms of cooperating with entrepreneurial stakeholders, are limited.
Please send your request to our administrative support team.
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