2016-01-20 New feature: Web browser login to Windows VMs!

Dear TSD-users,

we are glad to announce the release, in beta-testing phase, of the BLAST login protocol in TSD, allowing the remote connection desktop through web-browser. The VMWare BLAST protocol will make the login procedure to the Windows servers in TSD much easier and intuitive. No installation of local client is required, thus facilitating the end users not having administration rights on their desktop. BLAST Extreme is based on H.264 video format coding and therefore virtually every mobile device can decode the protocol. Furthermore BLAST can display high quality video with less battery consumption.
You can start using it from today, by following the how-to documentation here:

Please notice that the BLAST protocol is in a beta-testing phase: we are aware of some issues and we are already in contact with the provider, hoping to have them solved as soon as possible. But the most of the features are already functional, therefore we strongly encourage you to start testing it. For every feedback, please do not hesitate to mail us at tsd-drift@usit.uio.no.
A list of known issues and possible workarounds can be found here:

We strongly believe that the integration of BLAST in TSD will result into increased user-friendliness, enhanced quality and accessibility from everywhere, thus making the TSD experience better then ever.
Enjoy TSD: it is safe from everywhere!


By Francesca
Published Oct. 31, 2016 12:23 PM