Sikker oktober

How to become more secure online
How to become more secure online in seven easy steps:
- Check links before clicking.
Are you sure about the website and sender?
- Never use the same password on multiple sites.
- Accept automatic updates. These often fix security issues!
Store documents in the right place.
- Remember that as a student, you have free cloud storage in OneDrive.
- Check where to store if you're faculty or staff
Do not give away personal information via email.
This includes passwords, social security numbers, credit card information or health information
- Do not install more apps and programs than necessary.
Be aware of what data you share with an app.
- Do not leave your PC or phone in crowded places.
Learn the shortcut to quickly lock your PC/MAC: Windows button + L on Windows, or Ctrl + Cmd + Q on Mac

When was the last time you cleaned up your documents and data?
Set aside some time to tidy this October.
Where should I store what?
Step 1: Assess the type of data - is it green, yellow, red, or black?
Step 2: Refer to the storage guide to determine where to store the document or data.