Norwegian version of this page

What can I store?

  • There is an upper limit of 15 GB of storage per person in Google Drive.
  • G Suite is not a replacement for existing work flows with storage, like the UiO common disks, ePhorte, Vortex etc.
  • G Suite is not a place for permanent storage. Data that needs to be stored and archived should be placed in other services. If you are not sure what service your data belongs in, ask your manager.
  • G Suite is not a replacement for Canvas. Canvas is UiO's preferred tool for education, but G Suite can be used together with Canvas.

What information categories can be stored on Google Drive, as part of G Suite at UiO?

The head of IT security at UiO has decided that the following data can be stored on G Suite:

  • Green – open data
  • Yellow – restricted data


The decision has been made for safety reasons and to comply with the IT regulations at UiO and Norwegian privacy legislations.

Examples of green and yellow data can be: work documents, research articles (drafts and finished papers, doctoral theses, research data (pictures, statistics and other results), education material and other UiO related information that is not sensitive).

What about sensitive data?

Red data (in confidence) and black data (strictly in confidence) cannot be stored in G Suite at UiO, no matter if it is an UiO account or if you are registered as one of the owners.

Examples for sensitive data is: data connected with names, wages, address, health data, diet habits. It may also be MRI scans, DNA data, video, pictures of patients etc.

Storing this kind of data in a cloud service like G Suite is a breach of privacy and therefore a breach of the UiO IT regulations. Sensitive data shall always be processed in the systems that are approved for this kind of data.

What about private data?

G Suite at UiO is meant for UiO data.

Google's intention is that users easily can have to Google accounts, side by side. One for private use and one for work use. UiO recommend that our users follow this principle. Read more about how you can have to accounts side by side here.

Published Sep. 17, 2019 3:33 PM - Last modified Oct. 17, 2022 3:00 PM