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Accessing files on your home directory

The tutorial shows how to connect your home directory and / or shared disks at UiO with Cyberduck.

Download and installation

First you need to download and install Cyberduck.

Screenshot: Download Cyberduck for Mac

Installing Cyberduck on Private Macs

With Safari, Cyberduck is automatically downloaded to the Downloads folder and extracted. Once the file is downloaded, drag it over to the Applications folder.

Screenshot of Downloads folder with Cyberduck

First launch of Cyberduck

When you start Cyberduck for the first time, macOS will notify you that the program has been downloaded from the Internet and ask if you are sure you want to open it. Click Open.

Now the program is open, and we can create a bookmark to the home area. Press the "+" sign in the lower left corner.

Screenshot of Cyberduck and Add bookmark

How to set up Cyberduck

Home directory setup

In the configuration menu, select the following settings:

  1. Select SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) from the drop-down menu
  2. Feel free to call the entry Home Directory in the Nickname field
  3. In the Server field, type
  4. In the User name field, enter your UiO username
  5. In the field Password your UiO password
  6. Click on More options to expand the settings window.

    Screenhot of Bookmark window, configuring access to files at Home Directory
  7. Add the Path to your home directory / home area like /uio/kant/usit-stab-u1/username.

    Screenshot of more options - path to home directory

NOTE: There is no OK button in this window. After entering the correct information, you can close the window by crossing it out. The settings are saved.

Settings for shared disks

To connect to a shared disk, open the submenu in the configuration where it says More options and enter the file path to the disk in the field called Path.

How to connect to your home directory

To connect to the home directory, double click on the bookmark Home Directory

Screenshot of the Cyberduck Bookmarks window with Home Directory

Enter your UiO password and click Login.

Screenshot of Log in to server window in Cyberduck

The first time you open your home directory, Cyberduck will ask you if you want to allow the fingerprint of the server. Press Allow.

You will receive a push notification that two-factor authentication is required for the service. Open Microsoft Authenticator on your phone, and Approve that you are signing in to your home directory / home area.

You are now connected to your home directory and will have a file explorer set up with your files.

Screenshot of Home Directory opened in Cyberduck

Here you can download and upload files. Note that you cannot open files directly from Cyberduck. If you double-click on a given file, Cyberduck will download this file to the folder specified in the configuration window. The default folder is Downloads. You can also drag files in and out of the Cyberduck file explorer that will upload or download files.

Published Feb. 1, 2021 12:35 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2022 2:58 PM