Terms of use

What is Office 365?

Office 365 is Microsoft's way to give you access to the newest versions of the Office programs, both on your computer and your tablet/smartphone and in online versions on the web. Office 365 also contains OneDrive, which gives users unlimited personal storage space in Microsoft's cloud service,

So what?

There are two points we all should note:

1. You can't save sensitive information to OneDrive

You must consider which data (documents, pictures and everything else) you choose to save on your OneDrive. By doing this, you are following the university's guidelines for classification of information resources. This means that you have to consider what you are saving on your OneDrive account and what you write in the online version of Office. You also have to consider what you should rather be saving on a disc at UiO. You should never save sensitive information on your OneDrive account. The classification table at UiO there are different categories. The green category contains information that is open and the yellow category contains information that is slightly limited. Both of these can be saved in OneDrive. If the information belongs in the orange or red category, it cannot be saved in a cloud service. This is because the content which belongs in the red or orange category is either confidential, sensitive or has other security needs.

2. Your account will be deleted when you leave the UiO

You can use Office 365 because you work or study at the UiO. When you leave the UiO, your account will be discontinued and the content on your OneDrive will be deleted. Read more about what happens when you leave. 

Published Sep. 17, 2019 3:33 PM - Last modified Aug. 17, 2021 12:05 PM