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Collaborating and sharing

Office 365 allows you to collaborate and share documents that you are working on. You can also work with documents simultaneously.

The key to collaborating in Office 365 is OneDrive. "OneDrive for business", which is the one UiO uses, is available from your computer as a regular folder. But it does have some special qualities:

  1. What you save in your "OneDrive for business" folder is automatically synchronized (as long as you are connected to the Internet) with your OneDrive in the cloud. This means that OneDrive works as a place to store your backups where you can gain access with any device as long as you are connected to the Internet.
  2. The documents saved in OneDrive are on the Internet, but is only available to you, or whoever you choose to share them with. You can choose to share single documents or entire folders so that others can read, download, or collaborate with you on them.

Documents you make in the online versions of the Office programs are automatically saved on OneDrive. Documents you make in the Office programs on your computer are not automatically saved. These documents can be saved on your local disc, M:, or on OneDrive. Other documents, such as PDFs, images and other, can be saved on OneDrive by saving the documents in your OneDrive for business folder.

If you want to share a document, click File and Sharing.

Troubleshooting: Did you get an error message saying that you can't share a document with someone outside your organization? You can share documents from OneDrive to others outside the University. If you get such an error message, make sure the e-mail address you provide is the actual e-mail address in the form "name@doamain.xx". If the e-mail address has a persons name in front of the address, it is possible that you get an error. So, if you copy an address of the form "First name Last name<name@domain.xx>", delete everything from the address field, apart from the actual email address.


You can share your document in the following ways:


Write the names, usernames or UiO e-mail adresses of the participants you want to share a document with. This is what you do:

  1. Write the name or username of the person or people you want to share the document with. You can also choose whether the user can edit the document or not.
  2. Click Share.
  3. You have now shared your document. Still, the participants do not have full access. To give full access, please read the section below about giving someone full access.

Sharing links

If you want to open a document for reading or editing for a large number of users, you can make a share link. There are two ways to do it:

  1. for reading


  1. for editing

Only those with the correct link can make changes to the document. These links are generated by clicking activate or aktiver kobling.

You can also decide if the user has to have an account at UiO to be able to access the document. To ensure that only UiO accounts can access the document, click Krev at brukeren logger p? f?r dokumentet kan ?pnes then the user has to log in before opening the document.


Click the e-mail button and the file will automatically be added to an e-mail in your standard e-mail program. You can send this e-mail to any e-mail client.

Quick sharing to everyone at UiO

By adding files or folders to your folder Shared with everyone, the files will be made available to all the users at UiO.

Giving full access

Even though users are given access to write in documents when it is shared, they do not get full editing access. For example, they cannot delete a file or rename it. Do the following to give someone full access:

  1. Click Sharing in the document you wish to share.
  2. Click Shared with. Here you will see the names of the users who already have either access to write or full access.
  3. Choose the user you want to give full access to and click Edit User Permissions.
  4. Choose which rights you want to give the user. If you want to give the user full access, click Full control.


When several people are working in the same document, the paragraphs which are being edited by a single user is locked. This means that you cannot edit the same paragraph at the same time and thus make it impossible to write over someone elses work.

  • On tablets, smartphones and the online version of Office 365, all the documents are automatically updated when changes are made.
  • On a PC or a Mac, you have to save the document before you can see the changes done by anyone else.

Information security

Office 365 is a cloud based service. This means that you must always consider what data (documents/pictures etc.) you choose to store on OneDrive. You must follow UiO's information security guidelines (in Norwegian). This basically means that you have to consider what you are saving on OneDrive and what you write in the online version of Office.

Never save person sensitive information on OneDrive

Information is divided in four categories: green, yellow, orange or red. Green is open, yellow is limited. Both green and yellow allows the information to be stored on OneDrive. If the information can be classified as orange or red, it must not be saved on OneDrive, but on your local disc. This is because the information classified as orange or red is either confidential, sensitive or has special protection needs.

Published Sep. 17, 2019 3:33 PM - Last modified July 7, 2021 2:41 PM