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Access - Linux

Via office computer at UiO

If you have a office desktop with Linux installed, you have access to various UiO storage on the network shared path, /net, including the storage hotels.

Open a terminal and navigate to the storage at:

$ cd /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/<name of storage hotel>

If you get the "permission denied" message, you are not a member of the file group granting access to the storage. If so, contact the owner, or local-IT.

Access from wireless / from home

You can either use Remote Desktop (separate guide), or SSH towards

The latter requires the storage hotel to be NFS-exported to the UiO Login-servers maskinene, which is not done by default. Ask the owner, or local-IT in case you cannot find the storage hotel on
If the storage is exported, ssh to with your usual UiO user, and you'll find the storage hotel at the same network shared path:

NB: You will be asked to provide a 2-factor code for your UiO Microsoft account:

markusor@home-desktop:~$ ssh

  This host utilizes two-factor authentication via Microsoft Azure.
  If you are using the Microsoft Authenticator mobile application, you
  should have received a notification which you need to accept in
  order to proceed. If you are using One Time Password (OTP) codes,
  enter the OTP code now.

( Enter Your Microsoft verification code
( Password: 
 Welcome to!
 This is, also known as, one of
 the login hosts available to all UiO users.
 Host OS is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
 The login service is a shared interactive resource for all UiO
 users. Please refrain from running programs or jobs that consume
 a lot of CPU and/or memory.
 For questions, please contact
[markusor@morgoth ~]$ cd /net/hypatia/uio/fs01/storage-test
[markusor@morgoth storage-test]$ 
Tags: linux, lagringshotell By Markus S?rensen
Published May 6, 2023 4:59 PM - Last modified June 12, 2024 10:36 AM