What is version control?
Version control is widely used in software development, and it can also be beneficial for other types of projects.
- The University of Oslo (UiO) has chosen to use a local instance of GitHub to provide a common version control service.
- UiO has standardized on GitHub as its version control system.
- GitHub is a fully-fledged Git service that also includes a visual interface that makes it easy to manage and browse through code and information that you or others have uploaded.
Get started
Can be used by students and staff/faculty.
What can in store in GitHub?
GitHub instanses
GitHub Copilot at UiO
GitHub Copilot is an advanced AI-based support tool for programming.
- Order and start using GitHub Copilot at UiO (Norwegian only).
Who do I contact?
Do you have questions you don't find answers to here?