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Set a custom display name in Brukerinfo

Your display name is normally the name you are registered with in Felles Studentsystem and/or the personell system (SAP), but you could override this in Brukerinfo.

To set your display name:

  1. Log on
  2. In the menu, go to Person, and in the sub menu Display name:
    Screenshot of Brukerinfo, page Person, sub page Name.
  3. Choose the name variant that you would like to have as your display name and press Set name.

Note: Overridden display names prevent changes in your name from Felles Studentsystem (FS) or the personell system (SAP). You will need to change it yourself in Brukerinfo.

What is your display name?

Your display name is your name that is used in the various IT services at UiO, e.g. Feide services, computers, Teams and Outlook. Your primary e-mail address is at most faculties based on your display name.

Felles Studentsystem and the personell system (SAP) contains official names, from Folkeregisteret. This is your display name by default, unless you override it in Brukerinfo.

What is possible to set as your display name?

You can remove middle names, and choose your first name, but you can only choose amongst your official first, middle and last names.

Please contact your HR department or student office if you are in need of a hidden identity, as we have other solutions for that.

Published Mar. 15, 2021 10:08 AM - Last modified May 31, 2023 2:00 PM