AIESEC University of OsloAIESEC is the world's largest student-run organisation. We develop leadership potential among youths through practical organisational experiences, volunteer exchanges, and professional internships.
Amnesty Jus OsloAmnesty Jus Oslo (AJO) is an Amnesty International subgroup at the Faculty of Law.
Amnesty Student BlindernAmnesty Blindern is a student group working for human rights.
Dental Health Students Without Borders - UiOTUG UiO's purpose is to promote humanitarian work within dental health amongst students, as well as arrange social and relevant humanitarian activities for the associated members.
Effective Altruism UiOEA UiO tries to find the most effective ways to make this the best possible world. By joining us you can participate in exciting projects, inspiring discussion meetings and social activities.
Juridisk klimaforeningThe association works at various levels to ensure a living climate for the future, and will work on how legal tools can be used in solving the climate crisis.
LanternRaise awareness and mobilize action among students to combat human trafficking. To arrange social and cultural activities for the association's members and others who are interested.
Medical Students' Humanitarian CampaignMedical Students' Humanitarian Campaign.
Norwegian People's Aid Solidarity Youth BlindernNorwegian People's Aid Solidarity Youth Blindern.
Pharmacists Without Borders, Student group OsloThe name reflects that the organization mainly consists of pharmacist with the mission to provide humanitarian help without being limited by a geographical location.
Psychology Students Without Borders OsloPsychology Students Without Borders (PUG) aims to enhance psychology students' cultural competence, and highlight how psychology can contribute in the face of social challenges.
Students Against Nuclear WeaponsThe purpose is to engage students against nuclear weapons through awareness-raising, disarmament work, campaigns and discussions about nuclear weapons, nuclear power and security policy issues.
Students Without BordersStudents Without Borders is an student-driven organization at UiO, relying on mutual cooperation with Doctors Without Borders (MSF).
The Norwegian Solidarity Committee for Latin AmericaThe Norwegian Solidarity Committee for Latin America (LAG) is an independent solidarity organization.
Universities Allied for Essential MedicinesThe accessability of important medicines and public health technologies in poor nations is profoundly affected by the research, patenting and licensing decisions made by universities and governments.
UN Student Association OsloThe UN Students works with spreading information and engage and create debate on UN related issues and other social concerns.
Wine and World ProblemsSocial society at UiO, where the main theme is social medicine.
Humanitarian associations
Published Apr. 4, 2012 12:36 PM
- Last modified Sep. 14, 2021 1:23 PM