Health-info for all students
- Students who are going to stay in Norway for more than 6 months, and are registered in the National Registry, will be assigned a General Practitioner (GP).
- You can contact your GP when you need a health check or a consultation.
- If needed, the GP will refer you to a specialist or a hospital for further treatment.
- All patients pay a consultation fee when visiting their GP.
SiO Health services
All students who have paid the semester fee can use SiO Health Services:
General practitioner at SiO
International students who qualify for registration in the Norwegian National Registry can choose to be assigned a General Practitioner (GP) at SiO.
SiO dentists
If you are a student under 40 years old, you are welcome to use SIO dentist services at student friendly rates.
SiO Counselling
SiO has a team of professional counsellors who can help you sort out your thoughts if you need someone to talk to. For further information, see Mental health and councelling.
Get refund for your health expenses
As a regular GP patient at SiO, you can get your expenses reimbursed if they exceed NOK 450,- per calendar year. You are welcome to apply to get all your health expenses reimbursed, as long as the clinic is approved for co-pay (Egenandelstak 1 at HELFO).
Read more about how to apply for a refund
For urgent medical matters
- Emergency number: 113
- Oslo emergency ward (Legevakten): 116117
- Crisis services in case of assault or other traumatic experiences (Sosial Vakttjeneste, situated at Legevakten): 23487090