NORPART scholarship

This scholarship is only available for students recruited and admitted to a master program through an existing NORPART project.

Conditions for entitlement to a scholarship

To be and remain eligible for a scholarship, a student must:

  1. Meet the minimum academic qualifications, including explicitly stated requirements of the master’s programme set by the University of Oslo (UiO).
  2. Obtain and continuously hold a valid residence permit from UDI.
  3. Accept enrolment into the international master’s programme provided by the host institution in Norway, and continuously meet the requirements set by UiO for upholding their student status and right to attend the master’s programme.
  4. Arrive at UiO's campus in Norway and commence their studies in accordance with the Master programme’s schedule.
  5. Keep the study progression set by UiO for the master’s programme. 
  6. Scholarship may be terminated in case one or more of the above-mentioned conditions are not fulfilled. 

Calculation and payment of the scholarship

The scholarship covers costs for students equivalent to the rate set by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.  The student is personally responsible for ensuring that the scholarship payments satisfy their various monetary obligations (housing, fees, etc.) and general living costs. The right to receive the scholarship is for the sole benefit of the student and may not be assigned or otherwise transferred to any third party.

Costs covered:

  • Total budget covered for a two-year full degree master’s scholarship is estimated to approximately NOK 300 000.
  • The scholarship is calculated to cover ordinary living expenses, including accommodation, meals, personal expenses, daily travel and necessary books and study materials for the duration of 24 months.
  • Residence permit and visa costs.
  • Start-up grant, paid once, when the student arrives in Norway. The start-up grant is intended to cover part of the deposit in the halls of residence, initial expenses, such as semester fees, household goods and warm clothing. The start-up grant is NOK 10 000.
  • A (return) ticket to/from Norway from the airport nearest to the student’s place of residency in home country. For students who cannot pre-finance travel costs, tickets shall be arranged and paid for by the Norwegian host institution.
  • Other costs to cover unforeseen expenses (not part of the monthly scholarship paid to the student)

Costs not covered include, but are not necessarily limited to: 

  • Dependents/children in the home country or in Norway.
  • Travel and accident insurance for the journey to and from Norway.
  • The cost of shipping extra luggage to Norway.
  • Travel to/from home and Norway exceeding one return ticket per year.

Scholarship payment procedure

Until the student has acquired their Norwegian identification number and opened a Norwegian bank account, UiO shall pay out the scholarship to the student via payment checks, cash cards or other appropriate means of payment in use at the institution. 

Upon acquisition of the identification number, the student will be required to open a personal bank account with a Norwegian bank and provide the account details to the contact person at UiO. Upon receipt of the student’s Norwegian banking details, the host institution shall make all subsequent payments to the student’s Norwegian bank account. 

The Start-up grant shall be paid to the student by UiO upon arrival at the campus in Norway. Subsequent monthly payments will be made by the host institution on the date set by the Institution for such pay-outs. 

The amount due in rent for the student’s accommodation may be paid directly from the host institution to the landlord’s designated account until the student has opened a personal Norwegian bank account.

Delays in study progression

If there is risk for delay in the student’s study progression, the student must as soon as possible consult their contact person at UiO on how to avoid delays and regain the required progression. If delay in the study progression occurs, the UiO must notify HK-dir and work together with the student to set up an alternative plan/schedule for completing the degree.

Insofar UiO and HK-dir decide that such a schedule/plan is likely to lead to the student finishing the degree within a maximum of 12 months beyond the normal study progression set by the Institution. UiO can apply to HK-dir for additional funds to cover the living costs accrued. Such additional funding will be subject to the student’s continued fulfilment of the milestones set in the schedule/plan. 

If UiO and HK-dir decide that the student cannot realistically complete their degree within the time frames mentioned above, UiO must ensure that the student receives reasonable funds to pay for their return journey and to cover reasonable living costs up to the return date. 


Students staying in Norway for more than 3 months can become members of the National Insurance Scheme ( As the duration of your stay in Norway is more than one year, you will automatically become a member of the National Insurance Scheme when you register as a resident in Norway with the National Registry (Skatt ?st). 

You will register for the National Registry at the same time as you meet with the police to order a residence permit card.  

Please be aware that it can take several months before you are registered with the National Insurance Scheme. 

All students from countries outside the EU/EEA must therefore have private or public health insurance to cover their stay in Norway or until they have become a member of the National insurance Scheme

Please note that this membership means "coverage under the health section". If you should get ill and need medical treatment, the insurance will cover this within Norway, but not in another European country. 

The University of Oslo strongly recommends that the student requires a travel insurance.

Right to stop and reduce payments of the scholarship

No payment of any part of the scholarship should be made to the student until he/she has arrived on UiO's campus in Norway. UiO  may stop payment of the scholarship if the student: Is in breach of one of the conditions for entitlement to the scholarship. Fail to maintain the required study progression set by UiO  for the master’s programme or follow up a schedule/plan agreed. UiO may reduce payment of the scholarship if the student’s costs of living are covered (in full or in part) by another public entity in Norway or home/other countries. 

Before the right to stop or reduce a payment is exercised the student shall be consulted, and the student shall be given minimum 14 days advance notice in writing. Payments made in error (if any) may be unilaterally set-off against subsequent payments.

Published Apr. 22, 2021 12:12 PM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2024 10:27 AM