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Routines for handling cases of cheating

UiO's routines for handling suspicion of cheating or attempted cheating are common to the faculties.

How does the suspicion arise?

Further information on what is considered cheating can be found on UiO's website about cheating.

Suspicion of cheating/attempted cheating can, for example, arise on the basis of plagiarism check, discoveries made by the examiner or circumstances during school examinations. The faculty that offers the course handles cases of cheating.

Even if you are suspected of cheating, you can continue your studies as usual until the case is decided. If the suspicion arises during a school exam, you have the right to complete the exam.

There is no limitation period in cases concerning cheating. This means that the faculty can choose to investigate the case, regardless of how long it has been since the course was taken.

Information about administrative procedures and your rights

You will receive information from the faculty about the content of the suspicion, how the case will be dealt with further and what rights you have.

You will usually receive a letter to your digital mailbox. If you have reserved yourself against receiving letters from the public sector electronically, you will receive the letter by mail.

Regulations on cheating or attempted cheating

National regulations on cheating or attempted cheating are laid down in the act relating to universities and university colleges, § 4-7, § 4-8 and § 4-11 ( In addition, the general regulation on administrative procedures in the public administration act apply (


UiO's employees have a confidentiality requirement. Your identity should not be disclosed to more people than needed for the processing of the case. The confidentiality applies to both case officers, examiners, examination guards, other employees who come into contact with the case as well as members of the appeals committee.


You have the right to be assisted by a lawyer or other representative at all stages of the administrative procedure, cf. the public administration act § 12. Once you have stated to whom you are giving power of attorney, all further contact in the case will take place via the representative.

UiO covers any expenses for legal assistance from the time the faculty submits the case to the appeals committee, cf. the act relating to universities and university colleges, § 4-8 fifth paragraph. You will receive more information about this in the letter from the faculty.

This means that you can use legal assistance at any time of the administrative procedure, but UiO will only cover the costs of a lawyer from the time the faculty submits the case to the appeals committee.

The ombud for students can also provide advice and guidance in cases of cheating.


You or your representative have the right to acquaint yourself with the case, cf. the public administration act §§ 18-20.

Comments from you

You have the right to a meeting with the faculty to explain the matter. You also have the right to comment on the case in writing, either in addition to or instead of a meeting. You choose whether you want to explain the matter, but it can help the faculty see the case from your perspective.

If you choose to attend a meeting, you can bring a support person. This can be a lawyer or other attorney, but it can also be the ombud for students or another person of your choice.

There will be taken minutes from the meeting. You will receive the minutes after the meeting and will have the opportunity to provide feedback within a given deadline.

The faculty decides on the further procedure

After you have had the opportunity to comment on the case, the faculty will decide whether to proceed with the case or not. The faculty can proceed with the case even if you have chosen not to attend a meeting, or have not given written comments.

If the faculty does not proceed with the case, you will receive information about this. The exam answer will be graded in the usual way, and the case will not have consequences for your further studies.

If the faculty proceeds with the case, i.e. if the faculty still suspects cheating or attempted cheating, the case will be prepared for the appeals committee at UiO.

The faculty will write a case note explaining the background and the factual circumstances of the case. The faculty will also propose sanctions for the appeals committee to impose, and attach relevant documentation. You or your representative will receive a copy of the case note and the attachments.

The appeals committee's processing

When the secretariat of the appeals committee has received the case, you will receive information about the time and place for the committee's consideration of the case as well as other necessary information. 

The appeals committee considers the case and makes a decision on the basis of an overall assessment of the case. The appeals committee may impose one or more of the following sanctions:

  • Annulment of the exam or test or the approval of the course.
  • Exclusion from UiO and loss of the right to sit for examinations at all institutions under the act relating to universities and university colleges for up to one year. 
    In particularly serious cases, the exclusion may apply for up to two years.

If the appeals committee does not find that there is cheating/attempted cheating, the committee may refrain from imposing sanctions. The exam answer paper will be graded in the usual way, and the case will not have consequences for your further studies.

You or your representative will receive information about the appeals committee's decision, the reasons for the decision and what the decision means for you. You or your representative will also receive information about the right to appeal and the deadline for appeals.

You can appeal the appeals committee's decision

If you choose to appeal the decision made by the appeals committee, the case is first sent for reconsideration by the appeals committee. If the appeals committee upholds its decision, the case is forwarded to the national appeals committee (, in Norwegian only). The national appeals committee makes the final decision in the case.

If the national appeals committee upholds the local appeals committee's decision, you have the opportunity to start legal action. This must be done within three months after the final decision has been made. Any legal action is started at Oslo District Court.

UiO will cover your costs for judicial review of decisions on exclusion, cf. the act relating to universities and university colleges § 4-11. If the lawsuit concerns both exclusion and cancellation, you risk having to cover the legal costs that apply to the cancellation yourself. When the case annulment is tried in court, the ordinary regulations of the dispute act for covering legal costs apply.

What are the consequences if the appeals committee decides on cancellation or exclusion from UiO?

If the appeals committee decides on exclusion from UiO, you can not attend classes, carry out compulsory activities or sit for exams at UiO during the exclusion period. You retain your right to study and can continue your studies when the period is over.

The annulled exam counts as an exam attempt. If the cancellation applies to a master's thesis, you can not continue working on the same thesis, but must write a completely new thesis.

If the annulled exam is included in an already awarded degree, the faculty will require that you return your diploma.

Register for excluded students - RUST

Information about the decision is automatically transferred to RUST - Register for exluded students (, in Norwegian only). If the appeals committee has decided on loss of the right to sit for examination at other institutions, other institutions will have access to the decision. When the sanction period is over, personal information and information about the decision is automatically removed from RUST.

How to resume your studies?

When the sanction period is over, you will again be able to register for teaching and exams in Studentweb according to the usual regulations.

Contact the information center at your faculty if you need assistance to register for teaching and exams.


Contact the faculty's information centre.

Published Dec. 20, 2021 8:22 PM - Last modified Feb. 11, 2025 5:25 PM