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Mandatory assignments at the Department of Mathematics

This page contains guidelines for mandatory assignments at the Department of Mathematics.

See general information from UiO about compulsory activities .


Mandatory assignments 

To qualify for final examination, all mandatory assignments in the given course must be approved. You have one attempt to pass an assignment. Mandatory assignments are not part of the grading in our courses. Students are required to familiarize themselves with the rules of citation and use of sources and the rules against cheating.

Announcement of the assignment

  • Mandatory assignments are usually posted on the course’s semester page at least two weeks before the deadline.

Cooperation and the use of aids

  • The use of all aids is allowed.
  • Cooperation is allowed, but the work that is handed in must be composed and written by yourself, and the work should reflect your understanding of the material.
  • When cooperating closely with someone, you must state who they are on the front page of your assignment.
  • You may be asked to orally explain the content of your answers.

Submission of the assignment

  • The submission is handed in electronically in Canvas.
  • You have one attempt to pass an assignment.
  • Your submission must contain the course code and assignment number on the front page. 
  • The deadline is usually at 2.30 p.m. on a Thursday.
  • Your submission must be handed in within the deadline stated in the mandatory assignment. The deadline is absolute, and work that is handed in too late will not be accepted without a granted extension.
  • The submission must be handed in as a single PDF file in the correct delivery folder. Scanned pages must be clearly legible. If these requirements are not met, the assignment will not be assessed.
  • After finishing the delivery process, you must check that you can open your work in Canvas. If, for some reason, you are unable to open your work in Canvas you must try to upload it again and contact the course lecturer before the deadline expires.
  • You can upload new versions of your work as many times as you want until the deadline expires. Note that it is only the final version that will be corrected.


  • For undocumented reasons, you can use self-notification to receive a four calendar days extension of the deadline. Send an e-mail to the course lecturer before the deadline.
  • For documented reasons, you can apply for a total of one week extension of the deadline, based on valid documentation.
  • Medical certificates or similar documentation should be submitted via this form. Note that in order for documentation to be valid, it must state the period with lower work capacity in dates, and state your work capacity in the period (in per cent) compared to your normal work capacity.
  • If you are unable to hand in your work within the deadline due to prolonged illness, you can, in very special cases, be exempted from one mandatory assignment per semester after closer evaluation. In order to be evaluated for an exemption, you must contact the student administration at least one week before the deadline.
  • A permanent reduced ability to study, will alone not normally qualify as a reason for extension as you must apply for special needs provisions for permanent adaptions to your study.

Feedback on the submission

  • You will receive feedback on your submission in Canvas within one and a half week after the deadline.
  • If you have not received feedback on your submission within one week after the deadline, you must as soon as possible contact the course lecturer.
  • In borderline cases, the lecturer in charge of the course will make a final decision on whether or not your submission is approved.

Previously approved mandatory assignments

  • If you have passed all mandatory assignments for a given course in a previous semester, your submissions are valid for a total of 10 semesters, including the semester in which they were first approved.
  • Approved mandatory assignments from a previous semester are registered in StudentWeb under the tab Your status and Examination result. Example of approved assignments in MEK1100, MAT1110, STK1110 and MAT1120 from Autumn 2018 and Spring 2018.
  • It is your responsibility as a student to check that this is correctly registered. If you have questions regarding this, please contact the student administration before the deadline for the first mandatory assignment of the current semester.
  • If you have approved mandatory assignments from a previous semester without taking the exam, you may be asked to present a screenshot of your approved assignments to the student administration for registration.
  • You must take the midterm exam and final exam, even though you have approved mandatory assignments from a previous semester.
  • Approved mandatory assignments are only valid for the specific course code of the course in which they are passed. If you have valid assignments from a course given on two study levels (cloned course) and wish to re-take the course on another level than the one you have approved assignments in, you must pass the mandatory assignments on that level.


Contact the student administration at the Department of Mathematics

Published Aug. 11, 2015 2:35 PM - Last modified Feb. 3, 2025 2:03 PM