Grade descriptions for Bachelor in Human Geography

A Excellent

The answer shows very good knowledge of the subject and an extremely good understanding of key concepts. It is well-reasoned, orderly and clear and shows a very good aptitude for methodical and/or theoretical reflection. Relevant examples are introduced wherever it is natural. The answer is consistently extremely good and has no significant flaws or shortcomings.

B Very good

The answer shows good knowledge of the subject and a good understanding of key concepts. It is well-reasoned and is fundamentally orderly and clear, and shows a good aptitude for methodical and/or theoretical reflection. Relevant examples are introduced wherever it is natural. The answer is consistently good and has no significant flaws or shortcomings.

C Good

The answer shows satisfactory knowledge of the subject and a reasonably good understanding of key concepts. It shows a certain aptitude for reasoning and reflection. Relevant examples are introduced to a certain extent wherever it is natural. An average answer that is satisfactory in most areas.

D Satisfactory

The answer shows, to some extent, satisfactory knowledge of the subject, but the understanding of key concepts is somewhat variable, or an incomplete account is given of these. The presentation is somewhat unclear and/or is just reeled off, and it is relatively weak in terms of reasoning, reflection and use of examples. The answer is somewhat uneven and has some significant flaws or shortcomings.

E Adequate

The answer shows, to some extent, satisfactory knowledge of the subject, but the understanding of key concepts is weak, or an incomplete account is given of these. The presentation is unclear and/or is just reeled off, and it is weak in terms of reasoning, reflection and use of examples.
The answer is uneven and has significant flaws and shortcomings, but nonetheless satisfies the minimum requirements.

F Fail

The answer shows an unsatisfactory level of knowledge and contains significant shortcomings and gross errors, or it is based on a misinterpretation of the knowledge that should be presented.

Published Oct. 29, 2019 10:01 AM - Last modified Oct. 29, 2019 10:28 AM