Norwegian version of this page

Directions for the NMT in Oslo

The NMTs are hosted by the University of Oslo in Silurveien 2. Information on how to get to Silurveien 2 below.

Download the app Ruter, it works better than Google Maps and Apple Maps.

The company Ruter owns collective transport in Oslo. Ruter provides free passage for refugees from Ukraine.

You can travel to Silurveien 2 by metro (t-bane) or bus. We recommend using the metro.

Metro (t-bane):

Metro line 3 Mortensrud – Kols?s


Bus 23 Simensbr?ten – Lysaker

Bus 28 Helsfyr – Fornebu

Bus 32 Kv?rnerbyen – Voksen skog


The NMTs are in Silurveien 2, on the third floor, in room 3B.

Use entrance B/C on the backside of the building (the side of the building not facing the highway).

Bildet kan inneholde: himmel, bygning, tre, sky, urbant design.

Bildet kan inneholde: tog, infrastruktur, kj?ret?y, anlegg, tomt.

When you are inside take the stairs up to the third floor. Room 3B will be on your right hand side.

Published May 16, 2024 1:13 PM - Last modified May 16, 2024 1:13 PM