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How to submit .zip-files

How to submit your exam in a collected .zip file. 

NB! Not all exams allow you to submit .zip file. Check what file format is allowed on your exam.

Compress files Windows

  1. Locate the files/ folder you want to submit in the File Explorer. 
  2. Right-click, scroll down to new and choose Compressed(Zipped)Folder
     Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, bl?, font, linje, skjermbilde.
  3. Select the files/ folder you want to submit  (by pressing Ctrl and selecting the files). When that is done, you can drag and drop them in to the compressed folder.
    Bildet kan inneholde: tekst, font, linje.


Compress files Mac

  1. Locate the files your files/ folder you want to submit in the Finder application. 
  2. Select the files you would like to compress (by pressing down CMD and selecting your files). 
  3. Right-click the files and choose Compress X items.


Compress files from terminal Linux/ Ubuntu 

In order to compress files in a terminal you can do the following.

  • Make sure you in the right directory.

zip filename.pdf  


Published May 15, 2020 11:25 AM - Last modified May 18, 2023 8:09 PM