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Completion of the Master's Degree Programme consists of submitting a thesis and a final oral examination. Below you will find useful information about completion of the programme.

Deadline for submission of thesis

You will find the deadline for submission of the thesis in your studentweb account. Normally this will be around the 15th of May, and the final exam will be held in the second half of May and first half of June.

Submission of thesis

The Master's thesis is to be submitted digitally in both Inspera and DUO (Digital publicatons at UiO) within the deadline you find in Studentweb:

1. Upload your thesis in Inspera before the deadline by following the instructions on this webpage

To submit in Inspera, you need to login to with your UiO username and password. Send an e-mail to the study administration if you intend to submit the thesis before the deadline in StudentWeb so that we can make some preparations in Inspera. Please inform us after you have submitted the thesis, so we can check to make sure that the submission is successful.

2. Upload your thesis to DUO, by following the instructions on this webpage.

To submit in DUO, you need to login to with your UiO username and password. Send an e-mail to the study administration after you have uploaded your thesis, so we can check to make sure that the submission is successful.

In DUO you will be asked if you wish to publish the thesis in full or only the abstract. Whichever of these you choose, you will still have to submit the thesis in full. The thesis/abstract will be published in DUO 3-4 months after assessment.

Please check that you have access to both portals before the submission deadline. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact the study administration.

After submission, you will receive an e-mail from the study administration with a confirmation, if the thesis has been successfully submitted within the deadline.The study administration will distribute the thesis to the Head of the local programme board, supervisor(s) and assessors.

Overview of all Master's theses at ITA

Printed copy of the thesis?

A printed copy of your thesis is not required, but if you want printed copies, ITA will cover the expenses for up to six copies. Printing is carried out by the University Print Centre (Reprosentralen) and the preferred format is PDF. Keep in mind that if you print your thesis, you still have to submit a digital copy to Inspera and DUO within the submission deadline.

Follow the steps below in order to obtain these if you want printed copies:
1. Send an e-mail to confirming the amount of printed copies you would like. You will then receive some payment information, which you will need to place your order.

2. Afterwards, you have to log into the “Print and copy” webpage and upload your thesis in PDF-format. In order to do this, you have to open the "Printing master's thesis" webpage and carefully read the instructions. Click on “UiO orders” when you are ready to upload your thesis and place the the order.
3. You will receive a message from the print center when the order is ready and you can pick it up from their visiting address:
University Print Centre (Reprosentralen)
Kristian Ottosens hus
Problemveien 9
Basement floor, entrance B

Expect 5-6 working days for printing.

The final exam

The final exam consists of a presentation of the Master's thesis and an oral examination. Between the presentation and the examination there will be a break of at least 30 minutes. The study administration will publish the presentation on the ITA webpages and hang up announcements on information boards in the Astrophysics building.

The presentation of the Master's thesis:

  • Is a public presentation of your thesis.
  • The presentation is held in the auditorium 209/Peisestua/Zoom.
  • Duration: 30 minutes.
  • There will be no questions/discussion after the presentation.

Break (of at least 30 minutes)

Oral examination:

  • Only supervisor(s) and assessors will be present.
  • The supervisor(s) will not be part of the grading of the exam, but will inform the assessors about the student's work and cooperation with the student.
  • The examination is usually held in room 303, or via Zoom, and will last approximately 60 minutes.
  • After the examination you will have to wait while the assessors agree on your final grade. It will be presented to you with an explanation of the result, shortly after the examination.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with examination via Zoom in case of a digital examination.

Explanation for the grade awarded

When you receive your grade, you will also receive an oral explanation of the grade.


If you wish to appeal, only the thesis will be re-assessed, not your presentation and oral examination. Normal deadlines for appeals apply.

How will the thesis be assessed?

For more information about how Master's theses are assessed at The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, you can take a look at the description of grades and the guidelines for assessors and supervisors below.

Graduation ceremony?

The institute will arrange a Master's ceremony at the end of June to celebrate the newly graduated students. The students also have an informal celebration, after the ceremony, with their peers at the institute.

Confirmation letter and the diploma

Contact the study administration if you would like a document to confirm that you have passed your Master's. The students must apply to receive the physical diploma from the faculty via StudentWeb.

Published July 6, 2016 10:42 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2025 11:38 AM