
Admission requirements

Admission to this master's degree programme / study option requires:

  • Higher Education Entrance Qualification and a completed bachelor's degree comparable to a Norwegian bachelor's degree. Applicants with foreign education, please refer to the country list.
  • a specialisation defined by the programme/study option
  • a minimum grade average of C (in the Norwegian grading scale) or equivalent from the specialisation in your degree.
  • Norwegian and English language requirement OR special enhanced requirement in English specified below:
    a) Passed examination in English foundation course (140 hours/5 periods per week) with a minimum grade of 4 in Norwegian upper secondary school (or an equivalent grade from a Nordic upper secondary school) or passed examination in English from second and/or third school year in Norwegian upper secondary school, or
    b) An internationally recognised English language proficiency test.

Required specialization

Academic requirements for the programme option Toxicology:

MAT1001 - Mathematics 1 or MAT1100 - Calculus
KJM1001 - Introduction to Chemistry or KJM1100 - General Chemistry
BIO1000 - Elementary Biology
BIO1200A - Biodiversity A

BIO1200B - Biodiversity B
BIO2100 - General Ecology
BIO2120 - Evolutionary Biology
MBV1010 - Cell Biology and Genetics or MBV1020 - Physiology
MBV2010 - Molecular Biology

BIO2150 Biostatistics and Study Design or STK1000 - Introduction to Applied Statistics + 20 ECTS credits Biology courses (BIO- and MBV-courses) at minimum 2000-level.

Courses amounting to at least 80 ECTS credits must be incorporated into the basis of calculation for the grade point average of C or higher. The courses that constitute the basis of calculation will be courses in Biology (BIO- and MBV-courses) that enter into the academic requirements. Mathematics and chemistry is a part of the reqirements but not of the calculation for the grade point average


Provisional admission prior to completed Bachelor's degree

Applicants lacking 20 ECTS from their bachelor’s degree or required core subjects may be conditionally admitted if there are available places in the relevant specialization. Missing subjects will be assigned the grade 'E' in cases where they form part of the basis for calculating the grade average. A provisional admission stipulates that a student must sit for and pass the missing exams as soon as possible within one year.



You have to upload all required documents in UiO's online application portal.

If you have completed studies/courses outside the University of Oslo, you must also upload course descriptions. The course names and codes on the course descriptions must match the transcript of records.

Export control

This programme is covered by the regulations on export control. Export controls are applied to countries where there is suspicion about development and use of weapons of mass destruction. UiO will therefore conduct a specific evaluation of these applicants.

Ranking of applicants

Applicants are ranked according to their grade average in the specialization of their degree. Applicants who cannot be ranked according to their grade average, will be ranked on the basis of an individual assessment.

You normally cannot be admitted to a master's degree programme or study option within the same subject area as a previously completed master's degree at the University of Oslo.