vtk.repository.ResourceNotFoundException: /english/studies/programmes/bioscience-master/structure/master-projects/ecology\ and\ evolution/hestmark1.html

Photobiont diversity and symbiotic specificity in the coastal cliff community

This study explores the diversity of algae utilized by different lichen-forming fungi on the cliffs along the Norwegian coast. To what degree does each fungus require specific algal strains to successfully establish symbiosis, and are some algal strains more common than others? Does the lichen community act as an evolved ecological guild sharing a limited number of algal strains? The algae are identified by select sequences of their DNA. The subject can be combined with more extensive population studies in the field, depending on the preferences of the students.  Field work on Hvaler islands, ?stfold, Oslofjord. Laboratory work: Institute of Biosciences, Oslo.

Published Mar. 22, 2018 10:30 AM - Last modified Apr. 19, 2018 8:14 AM


Scope (credits)