Programme structure

The duration of the Master's programme is two years, and the programme consists of 120 credits.

Recommended course of study

4. semester Text- or language course in Greek (GRE4xxx)
3. semester GRE4190 – Master's Thesis in Greek / semester abroad Text- or language course in Greek (GRE4xxx) / semester abroad Text- or language course in Greek (GRE4xxx) / semester abroad
2. semester

New course: Guided reading and project development in Greek

New course: Greek prose II New course: Greek poetry II
1. semester ANT4000 – Theory and Method in Classics GRE4317 – Greek Prose I GRE4319 – Greek Poetry I
  10 credits 10 credits 10 credits

Courses in the Master's programme

The following courses are compulsory, in total 90 credits:

You choose the rest of the courses (30 credits) among text/language courses in Greek at the master's level. You find the master’s courses in Greek under the course codes GRE4xxx in the department's list of courses. The courses offered will vary from semester to semester.

By agreement with the academic group you may choose to replace until 20 credits of the elective courses with courses from other subjects. Contact the student adviser if you want to do so.

Semester Abroad

If you want to study abroad, you may do this in your third semester. In this case you will take 20 credits at the institution abroad, and at the same time you will begin working on your master's thesis. 

Read more about the possibilities of exchange studies on the programme here. You may also contact IFIKK' international coordinator.

Published June 22, 2020 9:56 AM - Last modified Oct. 6, 2023 12:09 PM