
Apply in the application portal S?knadsweb. Please note that admission is only open for refugees currently in Norway who can document that they have a residence permit as a refugee. 

You need a National ID number and a MinID user in order to apply. See how to register a MinID user.

  1. Log on to the application portal with login method "ID-porten". 
  2. Choose the study option you are applying for.
  3. Upload your documents.
  4. Results of your application will be announced after 15 December.

Log on to the application portal S?knadsweb

Application opens: 3 March.

Application deadline: 15 April.

For any questions, please contact Knutepunktet - International Student Reception.

Admission requirements

Applicants to higher education in Norway must ordinarily meet the basic admission requirements. For applicants with foreign education, the requirements are specified in the Higher Education Entrance Qualification for Persons with Foreign Education (GSU-list).

For admission to this programme, you must document: 

  • Documentation that you are registered as a refugee in Norway. This must be documented with a copy of the decision letter or a confirmation from the UDI confirming your status as a refugee in Norway. The documentation must be valid on the date of the application deadline. You must send the document by regular post as this documentation contains sensitive information. Please send it to:
    • The University of Oslo
      Admissions Office
      P.O. Box 1081, Blindern
      0317 Oslo

  • Education requirements according to the GSU-list. For certain countries there is a requirement of documenting 1 or 2 years of higher education in addition to upper secondary school. 
  • Language proficiency requirements in English, according to the GSU-list. 

This programme does not require Norwegian language proficiency.

Applicants who lack an English language test will be given the opportunity to take a test, funded by the University of Oslo, to document their language proficiency. We will contact you if this applies to you.


You have to upload all required documents except the decision letter/confirmation from the UDI in UiO's online application portal.

Ranking of applicants

Qualified applicants register for courses after they have been admitted. Some of the courses may have limited capacity.

Additional information

Please note that all information is correct at the time of publication, but may be subject to change in line with updated guidelines from the authorities.