The MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management programme is designed to give you the skills to operate in both a start-up and a corporate environment. The learning is through real-world experiences.
Les ogs? 8 gode grunner til ? studere entrepren?rskap og innovasjonsledelse ved Universitetet i Oslo (In Norwegian)
Start a company from scratch
After an introductory first semester, your second semester will give you hands-on experience with starting your own company with a team.

Supported by academic courses, students organized in teams will develop a start-up project from scratch. The teams are co-located in StartupLab, a local incubator with many other start-up companies.
While some teams work on finding the business potential for a new company, others use the opportunity to take their projects to the next level and actually start one.
- Read more and see the video about how our students are automatizing shopping for men.
Work on real innovation challenges for a corporation

In the third semester of the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation management, you will apply what you have learned from the start-up environment to the corporate arena. Supported by academic courses, students organized in teams will carry out an innovation project for one of our partners: DNV, Kahoot!, M?ller Mobility Group, Norsk Gjenvinning, Orkla, eller TietoEVRY.
- Through this collaboration, we gain access to projects of high quality and relevance, and students get to experience the culture of innovation within large organizations that represent attractive potential employers, says Jens Petter Falck, associate professor and Chairman of the programme council for the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation management.
Read about our partners and the students from 2019:
- Telenor: Nytt 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 gir ?kt tilgang til kloke hoder (in Norwegian)
- Evry: Hungry to learn innovation and entrepreneurship in practice
- DNV GL: Samarbeid med UiO om innovasjon og entrepren?rskap (in Norwegian)
- Schibsted: Establishes a new collaboration with UiO
The MSc in Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management covers both start-up and corporate entrepreneurship
Although the start-up environment and the corporate environment are very different, the fundamental skills and knowhow you need to master as a successful entrepreneur are fundamentally the same, both practically and psychologically.
Moreover, your motivation may change over time. While starting a company from scratch may appear as a frightening endeavour at first, as you gain experience from the corporate sector, you may develop a desire to one day found your own firm and becoming your own boss.