Elective courses

Elective course means either a course in gender studies or any other course that increases the students’ capacities to analyse and write their MA-thesis in gender studies. The students should choose their elective courses in cooperation with the programme coordinator and the student adviser. The elective courses may be chosen among the following:

KFL4010 Feministisk vitenskapsteori (Spring/Norwegian)

KFL4020 Menn og maskuliniteter (Spring/Norwegian)

KFL4030 Aktuelle temaer i kj?nnsforskning: Kj?nn, etnisitet og integrering (Autumn/Norwegian)

KFL4033 Aktuelle temaer i kj?nnsforskningen 2 (Spring/Norwegian)

KFL4032 Seksualitetsstudier og kj?nn (Autumn/Norwegian)

KFL4060 Gender Equality in the Nordic Countries (Spring/Autumn /English)

KFL4065 Gender, Peace and Conflict (Autumn/English)

KFL4070 Feminist Ethics (Spring)

KFL4080 Kj?nn og oppvekst (Spring/Norwegian)

KFL4222 Inntroduksjon til metode i tverrfaglige kj?nnsstudier (Spring/Norwegian)

KFL4555 Gender, Race, Class and Sustainability (Spring/English/5 ects)

LIT4461 Kj?nn og estetikk  10 sp (Spring/Norwegian)

LIT4462 Kj?nn og estetikk 20 sp (Spring/Norwegian)

IDE4100 Kj?nnskategoriens idéhistorie (Spring/Norwegian)

FIL4351 Feministisk etikk (Spring/Norwegian)

HIS4011 Historiography and Historical Theory: Accounting for change and continuity (Spring/English)

KRIM4953 Criminological Perspectives on Gender, Sexuality and Violence (Spring/English)

ENG4542  Gender Politics/Gender in Politics (Autumn/English). Mail to: m.b.jonnum@ilos.uio.no for registration

SOS4020 Kvantitativ metode (Spring/Norwegian) Studenter med studierett p? andre relevante masterprogrammer kan s?ke om hospitantstatus. S?knadsfristen er to uker f?r seminarundervisingen starter.

SOS4402 Familie og livsl?p (Spring/Norwegian) Studenter med studierett p? andre relevante masterprogrammer kan s?ke om hospitantstatus dersom det er ledige plasser p? emnet.

RESA 4220 Islam, Gender and Sexuality (Spring/English)

ENG4363 Women Writing: Feminist Fiction in English (Autumn/English) mail to m.b.jonnum@ilos.uio.no for registration

ENG4542 Marriage, Love and Romance in American History and Movies (Fall) mail to: m.b.jonnum@ilos.uio.no for registration

ENG4364 Homotextuality: Gay and Lesbian Literature (This course is offered irregularly.Autumn/English) mail to: m.b.jonnum@ilos.uio.no for registration

TFF4500 Queering Religions in a Western Context (Fall)

JUS5134 International Law of Peace (Autumn 2020)

JUS5520 International Environmental Law (Autumn)

JUS5540 Public International Law (Autumn)

JUS5710 International Human Rights Law: Institutions and Procedures (Autumn)

JUS 5730 International Humanitarian Law (The Law of Armed Conflict) (Autumn)







Students can apply for the courses, but is not guaranteed place







Published Mar. 3, 2017 12:00 PM - Last modified Nov. 29, 2024 2:18 PM