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Messages - Page 6

Published Oct. 31, 2023 4:53 PM


being relevant information for students submitting master's contracts within 1 December, the following master's courses are not planned for teaching in the spring of 2024:

For an overview of the planned courses, look at the list of the courses in Geoscience (filtered for spring 2024). 

Publisert 14. sep. 2022 11:41

Hei, studenter p? master!Promobilde: Karriereuka 2022 UiO

Visste du at vi har et eget karrieresenter p? Blindern? De er proffe, erfarne og har mange gode tips til deg som lurer p? hva du blir ferdig med studiene. Deres motto er ? tenke karriere tidlig i studiel?pet.

Karrieresenteret tar i mot studenter med sp?rsm?l, funderinger og tvil rundt valg av jobb i framtiden. De tilbyr ogs? kurs i CV- og s?knadsskriving.

I neste uke arrangerer de dessuten karriereuke som du kan lese om her:

Karriereuka 19.–22. september 2022 - Karrieresenteret (

Karrieresenteret holder til i Frederikkebygningen, midt p? campus. Bruk dem!

Published June 8, 2022 12:13 PM

You must use two-factor authentication (secure login) for Microsoft 365 (Word, OneDrive, Teams etc.) and Feide (Canvas, My Studies etc.) at UiO. Confirm your login with a mobile phone.

Read more about two-factor authentication at the UiO at, and access more guides from the same page. There may be two-factor authentication on other services later.

For MS365 applications, you will receive a push notification on your mobile when you are asked for two-factor authentication, and for the Feide login, a new button called Use work or school account will appear. Use that button when you log in to Canvas, My Studies, or other services with Feide, and you get the s...