Terra, PU and Samfunnsgeografen - general meeting August 26
Dear Human Geography students.
Terra, PU and Samfunnsgeografen call a general meeting on the 26th of August at 16.15. In this meeting we will choose new board members, got through changes in the resolutions, and most important of all: eat pizza!
The meeting will be held at UiO, at Harriet Holters hus, seminar room 101.
16.15 pizza!
16.30 Introduction by the leader of PU
What is PU?
Changes in the resolutions
16.45 Introduction by the economic responsible in Terra
What is Terra
Changes in the resolutions
16.45 Presentation of Samfunnsgeografen
17.00 Election of new board members in PU, Terra and
17.30 The meeting is closed
Published Aug. 20, 2019 11:14 AM
- Last modified Aug. 20, 2019 11:14 AM