Learning outcomes

Knowledge-based learning outcomes

  • Advanced knowledge of natural language processing and language technology.
  • Thorough knowledge of scientific research methods within the field.
  • Detailed and specialized knowledge within a specific subarea of the field.
  • Insights in the theory of science, research methods and ethics.

Skill-based learning outcomes

  • Work independently with a problem over a longer period of time.
  • Analyze a problem and form a plan on how to work towards a solution.
  • Construct theoretical models, implement and test them on a computer.
  • Make realistic plans, taking other possibilities, limitations, and time into consideration.
  • Collect and analyze various types of information, and possess a healthy, critical attitude towards these sources.
  • Write a longer continuous report and present her research clearly in written work.
  • Communicate your knowledge effectively, orally and in writing.
  • Express own reflections and attitudes in regard to the area of research.

General competence

The program seeks to maintain and develop academic curiosity so as to promote scientific values such as openness, precision, and the importance of separating between knowledge and opinions. At the end of the program, the students should be able to reflect around central, ethical, philosophical, and scientific problems in relation to individual work and the work of others.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified Mar. 18, 2014 1:57 PM