Architectures; 5-10 Master Thesis Topics |
Aug. 23, 2013 |
Better prediction of forest wildfires with Open Street Map data |
Sep. 18, 2024 |
Kristian Emanuelsen Elsrud
Big Weather Data Storage and Output Analysis and Prediction |
Sep. 14, 2016 |
Bruk av generativ AI, smidig systemutvikling i stor-skala, hybrid arbeidsdag, agile coaching, m?ter, konsentrasjon, smidig digital transformasjon |
Oct. 10, 2023 |
Build a Twitter Data Collector |
Apr. 3, 2019 |
Building Reliable Overlays for Decentralized?Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems |
Oct. 19, 2011 |
Building capacity for app development in platform ecosystems |
Sep. 29, 2020 |
Building sustainable feedback loops between end users and global software designers |
Sep. 20, 2022 |
Channel Allocation for Wi-Fi 6 |
Oct. 5, 2023 |
Collaborative Filtering and Sub/Supertypes for Better Recommendations |
Oct. 4, 2017 |
Collaborative editing in emacs |
Jan. 2, 2015 |
Comparison of OTTR Ontology Templates with Semantic Web Languages SPARQL and SHACL |
Sep. 17, 2020 |
Comparison of object-location strategies for collaborative Wikipedia hosting |
Sep. 7, 2011 |
Concurrent Multipath Transfer for the Linux Kernel SCTP |
Sep. 19, 2012 |
Configuration of Android app for Community Health Workers |
Aug. 15, 2016 |
Consistency protocol for decentralized data replication in collaborative Wikipedia Hosting |
Sep. 7, 2011 |
Covid-19 |
Oct. 5, 2020 |
Customer data protection and privacy regulation in start-up companies |
July 15, 2016 |
DHIS 2 Academy - online |
May 3, 2016 |
DHIS2 as Platform and Ecosystem (1-2 students) |
Aug. 22, 2017 |
DHIS2 as a Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) |
Sep. 16, 2019 |
DTrace and Runtime Verification |
Sep. 22, 2014 |
Dashboards and Platform-Based Decision Making in COVID-19 |
Sep. 24, 2021 |
Data visualization for Mobile Broadband Network Measurement |
Oct. 5, 2012 |
Decentralized leases for Web-cache consistency |
Sep. 7, 2011 |