After graduating you should have attained broad and solid knowledge, skills and general knowledge. This comprises:
You should have attained insight into physics at an advanced level, which means that after graduating you should have
- solid knowledge of physical theories, models and methods within your field
- broad knowledge of relevant experimental and computational methods
- broad knowledge of advanced analytical models and methods in physics
- an academic intuition and comprehensive understanding allowing you to present and discuss physical concepts, results and uncertainties
After graduating you should be able to develop and apply/use advanced analytical computational and experimental methods used in physics. This comprises that you can
- apply existing methods on new problems
- carry out preliminary computational simulations and experiments to describe new phenomena/concepts
- apply the relevant analytical, computational and experimental methods to study the concept or hypothesis you are working on
- structure and depict scientific data
- one or more of the following:
- develop and use measuring tools and carry out advanced experiments
- develop and apply analytical models
- implement computational methods and use existing software
General competence
Through your work on your project and the theoretical curriculum you will develop a professional competence. This means that after graduating you should or can
- have developed professional maturity and can work independently
- be able to communicate topics of physics to peers, experts from other disciplines and the general public
- plan and manage a research project
- be familiar with principles for commercial activity and innovation
- be able to reflect over and develop learning strategies
After graduating you will have attained values and attitudes that give you the foundation/basis to develop and use your skills and knowledge in a responsible manner. This means that after graduating as a master of physics you should
- understand the value of pure/basic/fundamental research and applied research
- know about scientific demands to reproducibility and sharing of knowledge
- understand ethical aspects of your role as a professional, of the field of physics and its applications
- know how to assess the health, environment and safety aspects of your work
Learning outcomes for students who attended this study programme Autumn 2017 or earlier