The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowships Fund (SYLFF)

Stiftelsen st?tter viderekomne studenter og doktorgradsstudenter ved UiO innen internasjonale studier innen humaniora og samfunnsfag.

Scholarships are offered annually to master and PhD-students at the University of Oslo to stimulate international dialogue and understanding. They cover costs related to research stays abroad for candidates within the areas of Humanities, Social Sciences, Law, Education and Theology with a documented record of accomplishment in academic excellence and social leadership.

SYLFF scholarship selection criteria 2022

Applications will be considered by the UiO SYLFF Steering Committee, and grants are made on the basis of documented academic quality/merit, leadership qualities and achievements, and an appropriate goal, plan and budget.

Priority will be given to candidates at the PhD level, but excellent Masters’ students are also eligible for support. PhD students may apply for research activities abroad that support their projects and bring them into contact with relevant institutions and organizations. Master students may apply for funding that support their master thesis, such as field research and extracurricular activities such as participation at international academic conferences. Master students may not apply for support for taking courses at foreign institutions. 

Mer informasjon

For mer informasjon, se UNIFORs nettside

Publisert 10. nov. 2022 11:19 - Sist endret 10. nov. 2022 11:19