Do you work at ISP and have plans of applying for external funding?

All applications for external funding must be approved by the Department, regardless of their scale or your part in the project.

It is important to keep an overview of applications you plan to submit.

Please fill out this form 


The Norwegian Research Council has posted a pre-announcement of their annual main call for thematic research funding, for 2024: 

  1. Research project for Early Career Scientists /  Forskerprosjekt for tidlig karriere (tematisk utlysning) - Deadline 6. March
  2. Research project for Scientific Renewal / Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse (tematisk utlysning) - Deadline 6. March
  3. Collaborative Knowledge Building Projects / Samarbeidsprosjekt for ? m?te utfordringer i samfunn og n?ringsliv - Deadline 13. March

If you apply for Research Projects financed by The Norwegian Research Council with deadline  March 2024 / St?tte i forbindelse med s?knader til NFR med frist  mars 2024 (tematiske utlysninger, dvs ikke FRIPRO):

  1. The first deadline is to fill out the form above: 12th of November 2023.
  2. The second deadline is Third of December 2023 to send a short draft (1. page) of your proposal to Thormod Ids?e and Marika Vartun. The draft must include the following from the NRC-template:
  • Novelty and ambition
  • Research questions and hypothesis, theoretical, approach and methodology
  • Potential impact of the proposed research
  • Project manager and project group     


The Researcher Support at ISP can assist you in all phases

  • Identifying relevant external funding programmes and calls
  • Give advice in the proposal process so that proposal will meet the basic criteria of the funding program you have chosen
  • Attending to budget meetings with you and Senior executive officer Miona Abe
  • The financing phase of your funded project, including writing collaboration contracts with your partners
  • The implementation phase of your funded project, including upon request, dealing with obstacles during carrying out the project
  • The closing phase of funded projects

If your plans are for teaching activities, please use the same form. The head of the study administration at ISP is the contactperson for those applications. 



Publisert 28. juli 2015 09:54 - Sist endret 1. des. 2023 08:41