
Publiseringsutvalg for Universitets- og H?gskoler?det (UHR) har rangert tidsskrifter i 3 kategorier:
Niv? 1 : Vitenskapelige tidsskrifter
Niv? 2 : Vitenskapelige forlag og tidskrifter av h?y kvalitet

Ikke listet: Publiseringskanaler som ikke betraktes som hovedsakelig vitenskapelig (dvs. popul?rvitenskapelig) og som ikke bli benyttet i UFDs fordelingsmodell i forbindelse med 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 med Tellekanter.

NB: Hvilke tidsskrift som ligger p? hvilket niv? endres kontinuerlig. Sjekk dermed alltid med nsd f?r du velger publiseringskanal


SUM - List of Selected Publications

(Apart from those marked with an asterisk * all can be read on the net)



Level 2
Development and change
Review of international studies
The journal of development studies
Third world quartely
World Development

Level 1
Forum for development studies *
Journal of international development
Oxford Development Studies
Public administration and development
The Journal of modern African studies



Level 2
Human Ecology
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management

Level 1
Biodiversity and conservation
Business Strategy and the Environment
Land Use Policy
Environmental Politics
Environmental values
Sustainable Development
The Journal of Environment and Development
Global Environmental Politics

Political science

Level 2
International organization
International studies quarterly
American political science review
World politics

Level 1
Global governance
Human rights quarterly
Internasjonal politikk *
Review of International Political Economy


Other social science

Level 2
Cultural Studies
Social Science Research
Journal of Latin American Studies

Level 1
Bulletin of Latin American Research
European journal of cultural studies
The Journal of Economic Perspectives




Note: An article in a level 2 journal earns 3 publication points, compared to 1 point for level 1 journals.