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Completion grant at ILOS

A completion grant is an educational scheme introduced by the Faculty Board at the Faculty of Humanities (HF) for PhD candidates who submit their dissertation within standard time or standard time + up to 6 months. The scheme involves an offer of extended employment after submission of the dissertation and is intended to broaden the candidate's competence.

The scheme’s main features and deadlines are described in HF’s guidelines for completion grants. Here you will find additional information about what is specific to ILOS.

Table of Contents

Guidelines for Completion Grant at ILOS

1. The completion grant candidate and the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages, ILOS, prepares a plan for the completion grant. The plan contains information on teaching and other tasks and is sent to the Faculty of Humanities two weeks before the candidate's thesis deadline.

2. The required duties for completion grant candidates are distributed as for an associate professor : 47 % of the time for research, 47 % for teaching and pedagogical training, and 6 % for administrative duties. If the teaching described in the before mentioned plan doesn't match these percentages, the Department may require the completion grant recipient to take on additional teaching obligations during the course of the completion grant period. ILOS will make sure that the duties the candidate is asked to undertake are academically relevant and aimed to develop their competence. Examples of duties that may be included in the scheme can be found in HF’s guidelines for the scheme.

3. The teaching duties are divided into four main categories: lectures, seminars or group-teaching, supervision and exam assessments. The distribution is agreed individually between the PhD candidate and ILOS, for example in accordance with the candidate’s previous teaching experience. Candidates may also perform relevant administrative work by separate agreement.

4. The ordinary rates for the preparation and implementation of teaching, including supervision and assessment work, are applied in accordance with Guidelines for the practice of the required duty provisions at ILOS. The completion grant candidates are credited with two extra full hours of preparation for each hour (single session) of teaching. Supervision should be primarily at bachelor level.

5. When assessing exams for the first time, the candidate should not work on their own, but together with an experienced examiner.

6. The candidate should not be given teaching tasks for the period running from the announcement of the subject for the trial lecture until to the completed disputation.

7. The research carried out during the completion grant period is intended to increase the candidate’s broader research competence. If the candidate so wishes, he/she can ask for a meeting with the PhD-leader and/or Head of Research to discuss what might be good and realistic objectives for the research due to be carried out during the scholarship period. This research should be specified as concrete tasks, and registered in the the plan for the completion grant.

Planning a completion grant at ILOS

6 months prior to submission

  • The PhD candidate gives due notification of whether he or she plans to apply for the completion grant.
  • The PhD candidate submits an application for admission to the course in basic educational competence.
  • The work to designing a plan for the completion grant period begins. The candidate him/herself, the programme convener, the study consultant and the PhD-leader will be involved in this work. The programme convener holds the central role and responsibility in planning the work to be undertaken by the completion grant candidate. The candidate him/herself contacts the programme convenor well ahead of the deadline for finalising the teaching plan of the next semester. The candidate's wishes should be taken into account in the ensuing planning process and, if relevant, they may be assigned teaching-related tasks in one of the other departments at the Faculty of Humanities. (Part of) the teaching of regular courses may be replaced by other measures aimed to enhance the pedagogical training of the candidate, such as the writing of a textbook. In such a cases, the specific arrangement must be given prior approval by the department’s PhD-leader.

When the content of the plan is ready

The PhD-leader at ILOS has the overall responsibility of reviewing and approving each contract.

At the latest 2 weeks prior to submission

The plan must be completed, signed by the candidate and the PhD-leader and handed over to the PhD-advisor.

Operating funds

As a completion grant candidate, you receive NOK 20 000,- in operating funds per year. At ILOS, it is also the case that the operating funds are at your disposal for as long as you are employed with us. By agreement with the financial officer, you can save operating funds from your normal scholarship period and use them when you are a completion grant candidate.

Published Mar. 2, 2022 4:35 PM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2024 2:44 PM