Norwegian version of this page

Additional applications, websites and languages during digital exams

During digital exams on the Inspera platform, it is possible to allow candidates to use additional software applications, websites, and keyboard languages other than Norwegian. Please note that this is only available for exams held in Silurveien 2. 

Exam configurations

In order to accommodate for each individiual digital exam, all computers in Silurveien 2 must be set to a specific exam configuration. Some examples are:

  • Digital exams in Inspera with Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
  • Inspera + Excel
  • Inspera + Japanese keyboard language
  • Inspera + Lovdata (external website)

If you wish to use additional software, websites or keyboard languages during an Inspera exam, a new software configuration must be developed and tested first.

Does the exam configuration already exist?

Please check the list of existing exam configurations for exams in Silurveien. 

If your intended exam configuration is not on the list, that means it is not currently available for use during digital exams. It is not possible to combine two different exam configurations into one (e.g. Inspera with R and Excel at once). 

If you want to use software that is not currently on the list, you can apply to have a new exam configuration developed. 

If you wish to use a currently available exam configuration during a digital exam for the first time, please consult your faculty coordinator to ensure that the exam configuration supports your intended use. 

Information for academic staff

Course instructors are expected to submit applications for, and follow up on, developing any new exam configurations. As the course instructor, you will need to contribute the required academic expertise to ensure that the new exam configuration meets the needs of your course in due time before the exam season. 

Access to required software for a new configuration

If you intend to use additional software during the exam, please consider the following points:

  1. Is the software available through the University of Oslo? Please check the available software in the Windows Software Center .
  2. Which version of the additional software do you intend to use?
  3. How are the students intended to use the additional software?
    • Will the students need to download files for use in the additional software?
    • How are the students intended to submit their work in Inspera:
      • By uploading a file in Inspera?
      • By copying and pasting their answer from the additional software?
      • By typing in their answer or answering multiple choice questions, in the same way as during regular digital exams?
    • Does the additional software require plug-ins or other downloadable content that need to be installed and tested ahead of time?

Accessing web pages

If you intend to use external websites, please consider the following points:

  • All underlying web pages on the site will be available. E.g.: if you wish to allow students to use , all underlying pages will also be available, such as .
  • All other websites will be blocked, including links going from the requested web page (e.g. ) to other sites (e.g. ).
  • Images or other media may be blocked from appearing if they are hosted on a different website from the one requested. 
  • UiO can not guarantee the availability of external websites. If the requested web address changes, or if the website is offline during the exam, students will not be able to access the external website. 
  • Some websites may allow students to save information or upload content prior to the exam. 

Available keyboard language settings

If you intend to use a different keyboard language setting, please consider the following points:

  • All physical keyboards in Silurveien have Norwegian keys.
  • Changing the keyboard language setting only affects the key mapping output from the keyboard. This means that if you change the keyboard language from Norwegian to French, the keyboard still has Norwegian-language keys, but pressing a key will produce the same character as it would on a French keyboard. 
  • Students will need to know how to use the intended language setting on a keyboard with Norwegian keys.
  • Some languages have several keyboard variations - please be specific when requesting a new keyboard language setting.

How to request a new exam configuration

  • The faculty coordinator for your faculty will submit the request on your behalf. 
  • Don't hesitate to contact your faculty coordinator if you have any questions, need more information, or wish to express your interest in requesting a new exam configuration.

Deadlines for submitting a new request

  • 6 February (spring semester)
  • 4 September (autumn semester)

Developing new exam configurations can be a lengthy process, so please submit your request ahead of the deadline if possible. 

Requirements for new exam configurations

  • All new exam configurations must be tested ahead of the exam season. In order to ensure that the exam configuration works as intended, course instructors are required to create a mock exam in Inspera for testing, as well as participate in the actual testing in Silurveien. 
  • Students must be prepared to take the exam with additional features such as alternate keyboard languages or additional software. If necessary, course instructors should set aside time to prepare the students during lectures and seminars. 
  • Any necessary instructions on how to use additional software or websites must be available as a part of the exam in Inspera. 
  • The staff in Silurveien cannot provide support for using additional software during the exam. Therefore, all students must ensure that they are familiar with any additional software before the exam.