General guidelines for correcting obligs (obligatory assignments)
All obligs should be corrected and given feedback within 14 days after the deadline
- Do not wait until the last minute – this often affects the quality of the feedback given to the students
- Make sure to divide your time evenly between obligs so every student is treated equally
- Being correcting the weakest obligs first (if possible) so the students who need a 2nd attempt do not fall too far behind.
- Contact your course teacher at once if you see that you cannot make the deadline in time
- If you suspect plagiarism or cheating, see the “cheating” info on this page
New attempt at oblig (2nd attempt)
- When giving 2nd attempts at obligs, the students should be given 3 workdays (this means the deadline cannot fall on a weekend or public holiday. For example, if you correct an oblig on Friday and grant the 2nd attempt, the next deadline is Wednesday.
- You never grant more than a 2nd attempt. Therefore, be clear in your feedback what the student needs to approve to have the oblig approved.
- All requests for a 3rd attempt goes to studieinfo@ifi.uio.no, sent by the students themselves, not the corrector/group teacher
- The main rule is that all oblig deadlines are at 23.59
When the students ask for an extension
- If the students get in touch BEFORE the deadline expires, you can grant a 3 calendar days extension. Calendar days means all days, not taking into account if they are weekends or public holidays. For example, if a deadline is on Friday and a student asks for an extension BEFORE the deadline, the next deadline will be on Monday.
- Any request for an extension after the deadline should go to studieinfo@ifi.uio.no, sent by the students themselves. Group teachers, correctors nor course teachers can grant extensions after the deadline has expired
If you suspect cheating
To secure a fair treatment for all students, it is important that every group teacher follows the same routines in such cases. For you, this means:
- If you suspect illegal copying/cheating? Don't give any feedback/pass/score in Devilry - instead please contact and inform the course teacher
Further procedure in such cases (only for your information):
- The course teacher must contact the study administration and discuss the situation with the IFI Programme Coordinator. If their conclusion is that there is no basis for the suspicion, the case is closed.
- If the course teacher and the Programme Coordinator believe that there is evidence that indicates that something illegal has happened the student is invited to a meeting where he or she is presented with the documentation and asked to explain what has happened. (The student is allowed to refuse to come and refuse to explain herself/himself.)
- The course teacher and Programme Coordinator then decide what happens next; there are three possible outcomes:
- Nothing irregular can be proven, so the case is closed.
- The violation is small and The violation may be due to the student's lack of experience. In that case, the task will not be approved, and nothing more. (If the student disagrees with this, he or she can request the case be sent to the Appeals Board)
- The case is sent via the faculty to the Appeals Board at UiO.
- If the case goes to the Appeals Board, the student can choose to be present at the hearing, possibly with his/her own lawyer paid by UiO. The appeals board can acquit the student, or they can sentence him or her to one or two semesters of exclusion.
The group teacher position
Teaching on-campus autumn 2021
As a general rule, teaching activities are now exempt from the requirement of social distance, and we can use teaching facilities with full capacity. Infection control registration is handled by course and group registration lists. The distance requirement is maintained in reading room spaces and in other common areas.
Group teaching is planned with full on-campus capacity. In principle, all courses with more than one group lesson per week must be set up with at least one digital group lesson. This is, however, up to the course teacher to plan, not the group teachers.
Students who attend physical group classes must only attend the group lesson they are set up for in StudentWeb. We do not allow for switching between seminar groups at this time. Digital group lessons are open groups where everyone can attend. Therefore students who cannot attend their physical group should be encouraged to attend the digital group.
In the first-year courses, not everyone may be offered on-campus group lessons the first weeks. If students can not attend their scheduled physical group class they can be referred to one of the digital group lessons.
We aim to open up for students being able to switch groups and more flexibility, in general, the rest of the semester, but no earlier than Monday 13 September.
Attendance registration is not required unless otherwise agreed internally in the course with the course teacher.
Visit the reception on the 1st floor or stud.adm. on the 4th floor if you need equipment for teaching. (markers, sheets, pens, post-its, whiteboard cleaner etc.) Unless you are recording, it is important that we minimize the use of microphones in the seminar room. Until further notice, it is not permitted to use empty rooms that are vacant between teaching activities.
How do I know which students are in my group?
All students are registered for a group in FS. This means that you as a group teacher have a group of students who belong to your group. To get an overview of the students who belong to group X in INXXX you can write <em> lsng sinXXXX-X | sort </em> in a Linux terminal. You can also contact the study administration if you need a written copy.
As attendance at group lessons usually does not correlate with what is registered in FS, it is a good idea to do a roll call for the first seminar to get an overview of all the students.
When and how often is there a group teacher meeting?
Most contracts include a one-hour group teacher meeting each week. It is up to the subject teacher to set a date for these meetings in consultation with group teachers. You must therefore contact your course teacher if the time for group teacher meetings is not set.
Where can I request a reference for the group teacher/corrector position?
If you want a reference that you have been a group teacher/corrector, you can contact the administration by sending an e-mail to studieinfo@ifi.uio.no. This will be a general reference that states which position you held, for example, group teacher, and which course it applied to.
The reference will not contain specific information about which topics you have taught or how you have done the job, so if you want someone to certify for you personally, you must contact the course teacher. Note that not all course teachers have sufficient information to write such a certificate, but it does not hurt to ask.
Paycheck is incorrect or I have not received my salary
Please contact studieinfo@ifi.uio.no
What do I do if I'm sick?
If you are ill you should not come to campus to hold your group seminars. Contact the course teacher and administration (studieinfo@ifi.uio.no) as soon as you know you cannot teach your group so we can notify the students. If you have obligs to correct or other responsibilities, the course teacher is responsible for finding someone that can cover for you.
For timesheets, you er entitled to get covered all fixed reoccurring teaching time (fast arbeidstid). This is registered in the DF? app/portal as normal and you do not need to send in any additional information. Other tasks, such as correcting or communicating with students are not fixed hours and you should not do these until you are fully recovered.